These People Do Not Deserve to Be Allowed to Retain Power

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 25,2016

RUSH: You wouldn’t believe how many Millennials literally believe, folks… I’m telling you, I read it in my tech blogs.  You wouldn’t believe how many of these little kids do not think that the life that they know — life itself — is gonna be livable.

The planet is not gonna be habitable when they hit 65!  They actually believe this.  Journalist, blogger tech people — 25/30-year-old Millennials — they actually believe this.  And they believe in nonsense explanations for it.  Too much carbon in the atmosphere, fracking, oil production, SUVs being driven around.  They really believe if we don’t find a way to get to Mars in 50 years, that the human race will die out.  They really believe it! I mean, this is… It’s insane! 

And, of course, we don’t have an opposition party that dares speak up about any of this.  It’s left to us to do it.  And, of course, the left doesn’t want to hear any opposition to this.  They want to steamroller everybody. So we end up taking the arrows for all of this.  I don’t care, folks.  It’s just… This is near criminal what is being done to the great economy, the great health care system, and to the people of this country. 

And the people who have made this mess, from the college education to health care, have no right… They do not deserve to be reelected. They do not deserve to stay in power. They do not deserve four more years or eight more years to continue this destruction of what once was the greatest country in the history of humanity, and yet it looks like they’re on the verge of being reelected.  


RUSH:  Yeah, yeah, I know.  There’s some conservatives out there who, despite all of this going on — and they know full well all of this is going on.  They know what’s happening to health care; they know what’s happening via climate change; they know the designs that the left in this country and Hillary Clinton, they know the designs these people have on power and total control, owning the Supreme Court. And even that is not enough for some them to join us in trying to beat Hillary Clinton because it involves supporting Donald Trump.  They can’t embarrass themselves to actually support or recommend Trump, so you balance things out and it apparently is judged to be better to let Hillary continue the Obama administration march on America than to stop it. 

Now, I would ask you what good is the conservative movement if that’s the choice some of its leaders make?  But that’s a subject for another day.  And, believe me, that’s gonna come up.  Whether Trump wins this or loses this, this internecine war is still in the skirmish stage compared to where these people want to take it.  

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