Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 28,2016

“Why would Hillary be hemorrhaging support? What’s happening out there to make this happen?”

“I’m here to tell you, as much as we have talked about it, I don’t think we’ve gotten close to describing and nailing the sheer panic that exists on the left at the thought of losing this.”

“It’s a massive, massive undertaking to wrest control from the establishment, from the elites, from the ruling class — and that happening is closer to reality than anybody ever dreamed it would be. Hence all the panic out there, particularly on the Hillary side things.”

“Her most powerful weapon is Michelle (My Belle) Obama. Her most powerful weapon. Not herself, not her stance on the issues, not her agenda. No, her most powerful weapon is Michelle Obama.  Somebody who can transfer credibility to Hillary, because Hillary does not possess it on her own.”

“I listen to myself very closely when I speak.”

“The cynical view is that Comey is still carrying water for Clinton and is trying to get everybody to stop paying attention to the WikiLeaks dump because it’s starting to have an impact. So you announce you’re opening the inquiry, get everybody all hot and bothered and focused on it, and then after three or four or five days, announce that it was a false alarm, nothing to see here.”

“If you knew that you were going to lose everything in a week to 10 days, what would you be thinking, what would you be doing, how would that affect you? That’s what we’re talking about here. Being in the establishment, being in the political power structure is everything to the people in that club.”

“People inside the establishment don’t depend on the country, they don’t depend on the principles of the founding per se. They depend on the connections being in the club gives them.”  

“I’m here to tell you, as much as we have talked about it, I don’t think we’ve gotten close to describing and nailing the sheer panic that exists on the left at the thought of losing this. I can’t think of a way to describe it. If you were about to lose everything, if you knew that you were going to lose everything in a week to 10 days, what would you be thinking, what would you be doing, how would that affect you? That’s what we’re talking about here.”

“What’s diplomacy gotten us? These people are supposedly experts at it? The soft sell, being reasonable, being intelligent, being from the faculty lounge at Harvard? People are walking all over us! The Russians at this moment are taunting us and threatening us! Nobody’s afraid of us. I think Trump would be a welcome change in a lot of ways.”

“Can you imagine who it is on the Hillary team that drew the short straw and had to tell her that the FBI investigation has been reopened? You think they ran around and got the ashtrays and the flower vases out of the room first? The shot glasses! Get those gone. Those are easy to pick up. Even Hillary, in her weakened condition, could pick up a shot glass and throw that.”

“If you’re gonna sit there and be worried about what Trump would do with nuclear weapons, you’ve got to know that it’s Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who have made it possible for Iran to nuke up, and that’s in nobody’s best interests. That’s not in the best interests of our ally, Israel. It’s not in the best interests of ourselves. Trump is not your concern in this regard. Hillary Clinton is.”

“The Democrats and Republicans, the Washington-New York-Boston power corridor — are not going to just sit by and let this happen. They’re going to do everything they can to influence the outcome. They have the power to do so. That’s one of the perks of being in the establishment. You run the American political system. You run the government.” 

“The Hildebeast introduced the first lady. Hillary Clinton allowed herself to be upstaged at her own rally, played second fiddle at her own rally. She needs to feed off of somebody that’s loved out there, and Michelle Obama is and Hillary isn’t.” 

“If you’re gonna sit there and be worried about what Trump would do with nuclear weapons, you’ve got to know that it’s Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who have made it possible for Iran to nuke up, and that’s in nobody’s best interests. That’s not in the best interests of our ally, Israel. It’s not in the best interests of ourselves. Trump is not your concern in this regard. Hillary Clinton is.” 

“They said Reagan was too dangerous, and it was Reagan who ended the Soviet Union without firing a shot. They said Goldwater was gonna destroy the world with nuclear weapons, too, and they’re saying it about Trump. They say it about all of us.” 

“My gut doesn’t tell me anything yet. If I did, I would share it with you. But I don’t have a feel.” 

“We have to constantly fight being moved one direction or another by what we watch and what we read, and you really have to fight not being moved by the stuff you want to be right.”

“You can’t say on CNN that Trump can win! So the message went out. It has to work this way ’cause we’ve got a montage with — one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine — 10 people with the same phrase!” 

“Hillary Clinton says, ‘I will wake up every day in the White House to see what I can do to help children,’ with Cecile Richards, the nation’s number one abortionist, seated right behind her in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.”