RUSH: Now Trump’s out there and he’s saying that millions of illegals voted. And, by the way, we know that dead people have voted in every election, usually for Democrats. There’s election fraud out there. These are the people who usually tell us to be on the lookout for it, the Democrats. They’re the ones that staff every polling place with lawyers galore. Now they’re acting like there’s never any fraud, there’s never any irregularities, and Trump’s insane.
I think he’s got these people spinning in circles. (interruption) Investigation to what? (interruption) Oh, they are, they are. There are some people calling for an investigation now. In fact, it’s the old Tom Foley line. I saw it… It’s in the New York Daily News today, and it’s either a column or a story. Some of these charges Trump’s making are so incendiary, an investigation is required now. Meanwhile, Michigan’s been certified. Trump’s at 306 electoral votes. There’s nothing this pathetic Jill Stein can do.
You know what I think this is about now? There was a Ron Fournier tweet yesterday. I had it in the Stack. I didn’t get to it: “Raising doubts about legitimacy of election, even w/out overturning result, is part of Clinton’s plans to keep her options open for 2020.” So Ron Fournier says that Clinton’s team getting involved with Jill Stein is not for overturning the election. In fact, there’s a story that a lot of Democrats are getting fed up with this recount business. They think it’s a distraction and not good for them.
But Fournier’s theory here is that Hillary getting involved, sending her people to help Jill Stein get involved in all this, is nothing more than Hillary staying in the game and keeping her options open for 2020. If that’s true, it’s about something else. It’s about lucre. It’s about money. I have a story in the Stack that all donations to the Clintons Crime Family Foundation from Austria have ceased. There are none. They have pulled out.
I think if Fournier is right that Hillary’s trying to stay in this game ostensibly for her political electoral options in 2020, what it’s really about is Hillary staying in the game to be able to raise money for the foundation, because that’s all the Clintons know, folks, is raising money, getting people to give them money. And that has been brought to a screeching halt by virtue of the election results.
So Hillary floating that she wants to keep the 2020 options open is simply a mechanism whereby she can go out and continue to ask dupes all over the world to keep sending money to the Clinton Foundation under the guise or the auspices that she may get elected someday and be able to pay back the donations. It’s just a continuation of the scam, and I think when you’re looking at the Clintons and trying to figure out why they do what they do you have to first zero in on the money. They have made that abundantly clear.
RUSH: Another thing that I’m a little confused by, folks. Aren’t the same people who are claiming that the Russians hacked our elections and stole the election for Trump, the very same people who said that the Russians would never be able to hack Hillary’s unprotected, secret email server? Remember when that possibility was raised, the email server story broke? “Oh, my God, you think people could hack that? Oh, for crying out loud! It’s not possible! No, no, no,” they assured us.
“The Russians would never be able to hack Hillary’s unprotected server in the bathroom at the family compound in Chappaqua.” Really? Okay. But the Russians could easily hack our voting booths? And, by the way, some of these states, they’re paper ballots only. How did the Russians hack paper ballots? How do you hack paper ballots?