Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 1,2016

“Rush Limbaugh here at the distinguished and prestigious Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies where there are no graduates and there are no degrees because the learning never stops.” 

“Donald Trump’s had maybe the best 36 hours of any president-elect I’ve seen in my lifetime during his transition period.”

“Here’s Barack Obama complaining about the fake news on Fox News in an interview at Rolling Stone, which is gonna probably lose $7.5 million in a civil suit for making up a story about rape that never happened at the University of Virginia.”

“I’m perhaps the best fundraiser for the Democrats. If you want to separate Democrats from their money, tell them that I’m on the march. Tell them that I’m responsible something, and they will start writing checks for money that they don’t even have.”

“I have long suspected that Jill Stein’s not actually responsible for this recount, that she is a stand-in, that she is the public face of this. I actually think this is all Hillary Clinton. I think this recount that everybody thinks is Jill Stein’s and the Green Party’s is all Hillary Clinton.”

“RushLimbaugh.com is a plethora of data and information. It’s its own encyclopedia set, when you get down to it. Just the daily content of every program. The transcript, the voluminous content on this program documented and preserved each and every day and researchable by everybody who goes to the website.” 

“If you can’t understand why the U.S. is not a democracy, you will never understand the Electoral College.  If you think the United States is structured so that in every vote the majority rules, and that’s what a democracy is, you’ll never understand the Electoral College.” 

“Obama’s ego will probably not allow him to feel as a normal person would feel, but if his ego and his narcissism were not such he would feel really small and irrelevant right now and he would be questioning what his whole value the last eight years was for because it’s all coming undone.”

“Barack Obama is the reason his party lost. I’m not trying to take Trump out of the equation. Trump is definitely part of it. But Obama’s agenda — policy agenda, substantive agenda — was repudiated. It was sent packing.” 

“Everybody’s complaining about all of Trump’s cabinet members, how rich they are, that’s horrible. I’d rather have that than a bunch of people in Obama’s cabinet that have never spent a minute making a payroll, creating a job, or a service, or inventing a product.” 

“Everything that Obama stood for, everything that Obama used to define his transformation of America was rejected and repudiated. It was a total repudiation of Obama and his policies.” 

“I’m perhaps the best fundraiser for the Democrats. If you want to separate Democrats from their money, tell them that I’m on the march. Tell them that I’m responsible for something, and they will start writing checks for money that they don’t even have.” 

“Hillary doesn’t have any options in 2020. She’s a two-time loser now, other than her Senate win. She’s a two-time loser. This recount is just to keep the money spigot on. This is just to keep donors coming.” 

“You can’t blame Jill Stein for not going away in one sense. I mean, they gave Bernie Sanders a lake house to go away. And she’s got nothing.  And so now she’s out there as the face of the Hillary campaign, the Hillary recount. She’s gonna get something out of this before she goes away.”

“Go into business, sell a product, sell a service, you’re automatically a suspect to people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — unless you donate to them and then you become their closest friends, and then we have cronyism.”

“A brief time-out here for me to once again say thank you to you. At RushLimbaugh.com it turns out — I knew this was happening. You can just sense these things. November was our biggest traffic month of the year. We had a record number of millions and millions and millions of page views, an increase of three million over October, and a lot of increases on mobile devices while, just a huge, huge number.” 

“It really is criminal what American history has become in the public school system all over, kindergarten on up. And the proof of this is how few people understand the Electoral College. And the reason they misunderstand or don’t even know the Electoral College is because they don’t know — you’re gonna laugh — they don’t know that the United States is not a democracy.” 

“This is the most-listened to radio talk show in the country. No matter what you may think, I never talk about things that don’t matter. I never talk about things that are not relevant either to today or the future.”