Trump Cabinet Picks (And Ted Cruz) Are Smokin’ It in Confirmation Hearings

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 11,2017

RUSH: Now, while all of this is going on, Trump’s cabinet picks are literally smokin’ it during their confirmation hearings.  Jeff Sessions smoked it, and Ted Cruz yesterday was literally brilliant. When he had his turn to question Sessions, he used most of it to destroy the efforts the Democrats on the committee had made trying to damage Sessions.  Rex Tillerson, as we speak and all morning long, has been in the middle of his confirmation hearings, and he is smoking it.  And it’s funny.  It’s almost pathetic.

The Democrats yesterday with Sessions and in this silly episode with Trump last night, and questioning Tillerson, they can’t let go of the fact that the Russians hacked the election and that’s why Obama lost.  It is what’s guiding everything they’re doing. Remember what I’ve told you about the left and reality:  They think reality is not real.  It’s a construct.  They think reality is something that we’ve created that excludes them.  So they don’t think Trump’s win is legit.  That’s not real.  “Hillary was gonna win this and everybody knew Hillary was gonna win this and Hillary was gonna win in a landslide,” and so that didn’t happen.  What the conventional wisdom was didn’t happen.

So has to be something to explain it, and it can’t be the Democrats’ incompetence, can’t be their ineffectiveness, can’t be the fact that Hillary’s a lousy, stinking candidate.  No!  It had to be the Russians, had to be Putin, had to be their hacking.  And they can’t let go of that.  Tillerson, Sessions, are routinely being asked questions, “If you found that the Russians indeed have hacked our elections, what would you do?  Would you call Putin out, would you think Putin’s a bad guy, or would you support Putin and his efforts to continue to hack uh, uh, uh, uh, American elections?”

It’s unreal to watch this!


RUSH: I want to go to the audio sound bites.  Ted Cruz yesterday on Capitol Hill, the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Jeff Sessions hearings, Cruz took the occasion of his time to question Sessions to not just doing that, but also setting the record straight with all lies and distortions that Democrats on the committee had told as the day began.

CRUZ:  When the Department of Justice used Operation Choke Point to target legal businesses because they disagreed politically with those businesses, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  When the Obama Justice Department sent millions of dollars of taxpayer monies to sanctuary cities that were defying federal immigration law, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  When the Obama administration refused to enforce federal immigration laws and unilaterally rewrote those laws, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  When the Obama administration released tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens, including rapists and murderers, into the general population, Democrats on this committee were silent.  When the Department of Justice signed off to the Obama administration paying a nearly $2 billion ransom to Iran, contrary to federal law, the Democrats on this committee were silent.

RUSH:  All day the Democrats had spent pontificating and lecturing Jeff Sessions on whether or not he followed the law, whether or not he would be rogue in there, whether or not he would use the position of attorney general to implement the president’s agenda like Loretta Lynch and Holder did, which was fine with them, but when it came to Sessions, he better not do that.

So Cruz is pointing out — oh, yeah — he also mentioned Fast and Furious.  When the president and the previous attorney general concocted a program to sell weapons to Mexican drug cartels out of American gun stores, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  Just nailed ’em to the wall, also nailed Al Franken to the wall.  Here’s the next Sessions sound bite.

CRUZ:  When the Obama administration ignored and rewrote provision after provision of Obamacare contrary to the text of the law, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  When the Obama administration signed off on illegal recess appointments that the Supreme Court had to strike down unanimously, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  And when the Obama administration released five Guantanamo terrorists without the required notification of Congress, the Democrats on this committee were silent.  That pattern has been dismaying for eight years, but I take today as a moment of celebration.  If once again this committee has a bipartisan commitment to rule of law to following the law, that is a wonderful thing and is consistent with the tradition of this committee going back centuries.

RUSH:  Right.  “Senator Sessions, do you agree?”  “Yes, Senator, I do,” and that would be it.

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