Two GOP Senators Bail on Betsy DeVos

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 1,2017

RUSH: It is true, apparently it is not fake news. Two Republican senators have announced that they just can’t vote for Betsy DeVos, who is Trump’s nominee for secretary of education. One of them is Susan Collins of Maine. I haven’t had a chance — do you know who the second one is? I haven’t had a chance to find the second one. Two Republicans, that probably is gonna be close to the majority on that committee, which means you would have to find a couple of Democrats to make up the difference.

The way the Democrats are looking at this, they’ll be happy with one scalp. If they could deny one nominee, minimum one nominee — (interruption) I know she’s out of committee. Oh, she is out of committee. You’re thinking she’s out of committee? Okay. Well, then there’s a little bit bigger margin that she has. But they would still like to claim a scalp, at least one. They would consider that a success story for their fundraising. So we will keep a sharp eye as this unfolds.

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