Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Senor Populist

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 15,2017

RUSH: Okay, folks, this guy is not a household name here. His name is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, running for president of Mexico. He’s considered a populist, and he may pull it off, who knows?

So if somebody wants to be president of Mexico where better to target voters? Well, right here in America. Señor Obrador held a huge rally last Sunday in Los Angeles and used the occasion to smear President Trump.

He said, “When they want to build a wall to segregate populations, or when the word ‘foreigner’ is used to insult, denigrate, and discriminate against our fellow human beings, it goes against humanity, it goes against intelligence, and against history.”

Señor Obrador also issued a threat to the Mexican government. He said that Mexico better haul America in front of the United Nations to condemn our human rights violations. That’s what he calls America enforcing U.S. immigration law. If Mexico doesn’t take us to the U.N., then he’s going to do it himself.

Here’s the irony. By law, American citizens are not allowed to take part in political protests in Mexico. Americans cannot buy property there, they can’t send kids to school there, they can’t collect welfare checks. Americans caught violating Mexico’s immigration laws go to the clink.

Yet Señor Populist, an overbearing leftist, comes here and demands that we embrace people who violate our laws.

There’s a word for this insulting garbage, it’s called liberalismo, liberalism. Learn it, love it, and never like it.

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