Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

- The Hill: Dems winning fight over wall
- Breitbart: Survey says Many Women Refuse to Date Men Who Earn Less Than They Do
- Daily Caller: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Refers to Lindsey Graham as One of the “Women Of The Senate”
- Breitbart: GOP Leaders Dropping Border Wall Funds, Says Report
- The Hill: Could you be dragged off your next flight? Experts reveal why airlines ALWAYS overbook seats and what your rights are if you get bumped
- CNN: GOP hopes to keep Kansas House seat in special election
- The Hill: Putin compares Syria strike to US invasion of Iraq
- NY Post: Turns out Obama was the real Russian stooge -Rich Lowry
“This Little Kim guy has been launching his putrid little missiles trying to hit us for how many years now and then his father prior to that. And they keep plunking in the Pacific Ocean someplace. I think our message is: Look, keep aiming, Little Kim. And, if you get close to us, you’re gonna pay the price for it.”
- CNN: Democrats have zero leverage after Gorsuch -Ilya Shapiro
- NY Times: As a House Race Tightens in Kansas, Republicans See a Possible Warning Sign -Jonathan Martin
- WND: Millennial women re-embrace ‘homemaker’ life
- Washington Times: Trump’s Justice Department to end ‘catch and release’ immigration policy
- Washington Times: Illegal immigration plummets after Trump inauguration
- CNN: Trump records robo-call for GOP candidate in Kansas special election
- Washington Post: Was that doctor dragged off the United Airlines flight because he was Asian? Many in China think so.
- Wall Street Journal: Tillerson Arrives in Moscow as Tensions Rise Over Syria
- The Hill: Kremlin: Putin Won’t Meet with Tillerson Wednesday
- HotAir: U.S. Official: Russia Knew About Syrian Chemical Attack in Advance
- Reuters: North Korea State Media Warns of Nuclear Strike if Provoked as U.S. Warships Approach
- Daily Caller: Reports Of 150,000 Chinese Troops Moving On The Korean Border Are ‘Pure Fiction’
- Bloomberg: United Airlines Tumbles After Social-Media Storm Goes Global
- FOX5: United CEO: Passenger was ‘Belligerent’
- CNBC: United Shares Slide as PR Nightmare Catches Up with Investors
- UKDM: United Passenger Traded Drugs for Gay Sex with Patient
- New York Post: Doctor Dragged Off Flight was Convicted of Trading Drugs for Sex
- USAToday: United Airlines CEO Doubles Down, Says Employees Followed Procedures, Flier was ‘Belligerent’
- Breitbart: GOP Leaders Dropping Border Wall Funds, Says Report
- Yahoo: Golf Commentator Caught on Mic Saying Player’s Fiancée Wears ‘the Shortest Skirt In the Country’
- Washington Post: Was that Doctor Dragged Off the United Airlines Flight Because He Was Asian? Many in China Think So
“A great achievement of feminism was to somehow convince the world that it was oppressive to let women stay at home and take care of cooking, the kids and the house and all that — and now look! What’s happened after 40 years of focused, oppressive feminism? Millennial women appear to be rejecting it.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: