Drive-Bys Treat UK Vote As If the Democrats Won a Special Election

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 9,2017

RUSH: I’ve noticed that. I’ve been asked: “Have you noticed all the attention the media is paying to the British election?” Yeah, I have noticed that. You know why? They’re looking anywhere they can for wins, and they look at the British election, and they see that Theresa May lost her majority in Parliament and that the Tories… The left-wing radicals… By the way, the guy that runs the Labor Party in the U.K. this Jeremy Corbyn guy? You know, I’ve had two different things set aside to describe this guy to discuss that election and had to broom it in favor of other, more pressing matters here.

He’s a nut.

He is a literal, genuine nut.

He’s one of these hate-filled, irrational trolls. It’s scary. Anyway, the media is treating this as though the Democrats have won a special election. That’s why they’re spending so much time on it. They think it’s an election that Labour won, it’s an election that the so-called conservatives lost, and so they can look at this and they can try to make the case that this is a forerunner. “This is the sign that we’ve succeeded in destroying Trump!” Yes, that’s right. An election in the U.K. Now we got Georgia 6 coming up on June 20th. The polling is very close there, if you believe it.

The Pajama Boy, Ossoff, is up 49-47, maybe 49-47 1/2 over the Republican candidate, and it’s getting close. I have people that live there who are sending me notes that they’re in panic, that they’ve never seen an election in their district this intense with this many spots on TV and with this much hatred being bandied about. You can see it in the emails. You can read it. They’re scared to death that this Pajama Boy guy — who doesn’t even live in the district — is going to win it. I don’t think so. Keep your powder dry. The Drive-Bys want you panicking just like any other election. They want you thinking all is lost. They want you thinking that Trump and you and everybody else is going down, down, down and that they’re on this great resurgent path — and they ain’t.

They’re not.

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