Backlash Against Amazon Prime for the Poor

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 12,2017

RUSH: And Trump’s just trucking. A new coal mine has opened up. Trump promised that would happen. Jobs are being created. The economy’s trucking along. Tech stocks are having a problem here. There may be a tech bubble coming on Wall Street, but Trump’s agenda’s moving forward. We learned that health care is actually moving forward, Obamacare repeal in the Senate.

Slate.com: “Is Amazon’s Discounted Prime Membership Really a Good Deal for Poor People?” Remember we talked about this last week. Jeff Bezos at Amazon decided to extend a price reduction — a deal — to food stamp recipients to Amazon Prime. It’s $99 a year, but the price to food stamp recipients is gonna be like $5.99 a month.

We all wondered, “Food stamps recipients? What are they doing buying Amazon Prime?” Of course, the bottom line here is it’s a PR move by Bezos to get everybody talking about Amazon Prime. A lot of people don’t know what it is who now do. But Slate’s taking it on in a serious vein. “Is Amazon’s Discounted Prime Membership Really a Good Deal for Poor People?” They think there’s better things that food stamp people could be spending their money on than making Jeff Bezos richer.

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