Civility? Democrat Congressional Staffers Boo Trump Video at Baseball Game

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 16,2017

RUSH: So you know I got some snarky comments in the email. “You said there was no unity at the baseball game. There was. There was unity. I saw it, and you shouldn’t mislead people like that.” Washington Times: “Dozens of Congressional Staffers Erupted Into Boos, Jeers, and Even Vulgar Gesticulations.” You know what that means, in Rio Linda? Gesticulations — well, vulgar — yeah, okay. That all happened when President Trump appeared in a video at the congressional baseball game.

(laughing) It was working. They were succeeding in putting together this phony kumbaya unity situation, and then they had to ruin it by putting a video of Trump on the scoreboard, and Democrat congressional staffers couldn’t stop themselves. They started booing, they started hissing, and they started making obscene gestures, obscene, vulgar gesticulations, blowing the cover of the attempted unity.

And Trump was delivering a message of unity. Even some fans in the stands were not having it. One of the fans shouted an expletive at the video screen as Trump was telling the fans, “We are showing the world we will not be intimidated by threats.” He’s driving them all crazy.

I don’t know about you, folks, I kind of love liberals going crazy every day. I love it. I know some of you get mad at it, and I do too at times. And you wish that somebody call ’em out on it, they wouldn’t get away with it or whatever. But I love it when they lose their minds.

I love it when they make fools of themselves. And make no mistake, that is happening. They do not represent the majority of voters in this country by a mile. They are in the minority, these people, and I think it’s something that they may not be consciously aware of, but they know it, and that bothers them too.

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