
Rush Limbaugh

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Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jul 17, 2017


“The views expressed by the host on this program are much more vivid than the views expressed on TV. You know why? Because the views expressed on TV are confusing, because they’re presented with pictures. That’s not the case here. The views expressed by the host on this program are more vivid because that’s all there is: You paint the picture.”

New York Times: Trump, in France, Tells Brigitte Macron, ‘You’re in Such Good Shape’
McClatchy: Senate GOP’s Healthcare Problem is Not Trump
Wall Street Journal: Health-Law Taxes Divide the GOP, Signaling a Shift
NBC: Senate Will Vote on Health Care Bill After McCain Recovers From Surgery, Cornyn Says
NBC: Trump’s Approval Stands at 50 Percent in the Counties That Fueled His Win
The Australian: Electric Cars Like Tesla Still Rely on Subsidies, Tax Breaks
Reuters: Australian Foreign Minister Criticizes Trump’s Remark to French First Lady
UK Sun: Donald Trump Begs Theresa May to Fix a ‘Warm Welcome’ for His State Visit – and Says He Won’t Set a Date For it Until He Knows He’s Going to Get ‘a Better Reception’
UKDM: Trump Gets a Rapturous Reception at the US Women’s Open as He is Welcomed to His Course by Chants of ‘Make America Great Again’
Washington Examiner: Carl Bernstein: ‘Cold Civil War’ Gripping US as Media Embrace ‘Different Truths’
Daily Wire: Monster: Feminist Calls Her Sons Prospective Rapists
Reuters: Anti-Trump Protests Staged at U.S. Women’s Open
Washington Times: How Ted Cruz rescued Republicans on Obamacare
Washington Post: Why These Professors Are Warning Against Promoting the Work of Straight, White Men – Kristine Phillips
Grabien: Gore on Why ‘The Inconvenient Truth’ Predictions Weren’t Wrong: ‘We’re Seeing Incredible Downpours’.
National Review: Al Gore Recycles Global Warming Predictions in Inconvenient Sequel

“How many of you noticed today, not a single sentence on the Trump Jr. Russia biz. I’ve got a whole stack of it, but I didn’t go there. And, frankly, I enjoyed the program more too. Screw that stuff.”


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:





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