Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff
“A left-wing expert cannot be wrong. And so anybody that doesn’t accept what the left-wing experts say is not somebody who intellectually disagrees. It’s a closed-minded bigot who has created his own alternative reality and lives there instead of accepting the facts from the experts.”
• UKDM: Child Miners Aged Four Living a Hell on Earth So YOU Can Drive an Electric Car: Awful Human Cost in Squalid Congo Cobalt Mine that Michael Gove Didn’t Consider in His ‘Clean’ Energy Crusade
• Mediaite: CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Reflects on How the Media Missed Trump Victory: ‘I Got It Wrong’
• FOXNews: Scientists Call Out New York Times for Incorrect claim About Climate Report
• Breitbart: Google Fires Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto Author James Damore
• Breitbart: Revealed: Google’s Social Justice Warriors Create Wrongthink Blacklists
• Washington Post: Trump’s Base is Officially Crumbling
• The Atlantic: How America Lost Its Mind – Kurt Andersen
• New York Times: Scientists Fear Trump Will Dismiss Blunt Climate Report
• Washington Post: Stephen Miller Blasted a Reporter as ‘Cosmopolitan.’ But He Lives in a $1 Million CityCenter Condo
• DCist: Well, Where Did You Think Stephen Miller Lived?
• Reuters: Anthem to Pare Back Obamacare Offerings in Nevada and Georgia
• The Hill: Signs of Trouble Emerge in Trump’s Base
• Charlie Rose: Kurt Andersen introduces his new book, “Fantasyland: How American Went Haywire.”
• Breitbart: Death Spiral: Anthem to Exit Nevada’s Obamacare Exchange, Almost Half of Georgia’s Counties in 2018
• Bloomberg: Americans Are Dying Younger, Saving Corporations Billions
• New York Times: Republican Shadow Campaign for 2020 Takes Shape as Trump Doubts Grow – Jonathan Martin
“Science cannot have a consensus. Science is not a democratic process. Science is not subject to majority rule or any vote. Something either scientifically is or it isn’t, but it isn’t determined as the result of a vote. There’s no such thing in science. Nobody voted on whether the earth is round.”
“What would be interesting to me is if Trump were a mainstream liberal, I’m not all convinced that the media would be doing anything differently. So personal is this Trump invasion of their home and their territory that stopping him and destroying him, no matter what, I think would always be the objective. Therefore, it is up to Trump and his administration to find ways around this.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: