Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Nut-Roots Again

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 14,2017

RUSH: The annual Nut Roots Nation Convention took place in Atlanta over the weekend. Left-wing activists from all over the fruited plain were entertained by some of their brightest stars, like the DNC’s Vice Chairman Keith Ellison.

He told the cheering crowd that North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-Un is a more responsible leader than Trump. Ellison tried to walk that back. He told the Washington Post he shouldn’t have said it. He meant to say it and he stood by it later.

He didn’t try to walk back his comment to the Nut Roots that Republicans are the party of racism. He said the Democrats are the heroes of minorities, since they passed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts. He did not mention that it was Republican votes that passed that legislation because the Democrat filibustered it.

The star of the Nut Roots show was Faux-ca-hontas, Senator Elizabeth Warren. She used her time to distance herself and the Democrats from the policies of Bill and Hillary Clinton. “The Democrat Party isn’t going back to the days of welfare reform and the crime bill,” she said. “It is not going to happen.”

Now, she didn’t do any of that when Hillary was running. She didn’t dare say any of that.

But in front of this audience, Elizabeth Warren wasn’t afraid to say what Democrats stand for, and it’s basically they’re not left-wing enough. They have to go further left if they have a chance of winning, which means they don’t have a chance of winning. We urge her to continue to urge that.

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