Harvard Is 400% More Bisexual Than the Rest of the General Population

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 5,2017

RUSH: “Bisexuals 400% More Prevalent In Harvard Freshmen Than General Population.” Why does anybody know? How does anybody know? Well, let’s find out together. It’s a story from The Daily Caller.

“Bisexuals are at least 400 percent more prevalent in Harvard University’s incoming class of freshmen than they are in the general population. While approximately 1.8 percent of the general United States population identifies as bisexual, 7.9 percent of Harvard’s Class of 2021 says they are bisexual.”

Wait a second. The gay population .6 .5? And the transgender population, I mean, it’s less than one-tenth of 1%. And yet look at all that we are doing to accommodate it. “While approximately 1.8 percent of the general United States population identifies as bisexual, 7.9 percent of Harvard’s Class of 2021 says they are bisexual.

“This sexual orientation disparity is not the only one revealed by Harvard’s freshman survey. The Ivy League school’s percentage of admitted bisexual students has grown over the past four years. Bisexuals comprised 2.5 percent of Harvard’s 2017 class, 2.6 percent in the 2018 class, 4.9 percent in the 2019 class, and 5.7 percent in the 2020 class.

“The percentage of heterosexuals admitted –” wait a minute. Are there people who don’t admit this? Do you know any heterosexuals who don’t admit it? That is what it says here. “The percentage of admitted heterosexuals hovered around 90 percent for the classes of 2017 and 2018, but has since fallen to 82.4 percent.”

The Daily Caller reached out to Harvard for comment but didn’t get anything back. What is there to say? Our greatest, oldest, richest university has a freshman class teeming with… what? Bisexuals? Oh, well.

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