Rush Revere Fan Calls with Good News

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 14,2017

RUSH: Matthew in Atlanta. Matthew, how are you doing?

CALLER: Well. How are you?

RUSH: I’m fine. He’s 14 years old, folks. Another future young man of America on the phone here. Great to have you, Matthew. How are you doing?

CALLER: I’m doing well. Thank you for having me on your show.

RUSH: It’s my pleasure. Any time.

CALLER: When you started your show today, you said that you were tired of getting some bad news. So I decided to call you with some good news.

RUSH: Oh! (chuckles) That’s great. I appreciate that.

CALLER: Yesterday was my last day of school for 2017.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: And I made straight A’s this semester.

RUSH: Congratulations! I never did that myself. (chuckling)

CALLER: I also read all your books — I mean, I’ve read them over the last couple of years — and I’ve really enjoyed them, and I always get excited when my grandmother buys me another one of your books.

RUSH: Oh, my. You have made my day! You really have. Straight A student and the Rush Revere books — probably the reason you’re straight A’s.

CALLER: (laughs)

RUSH: That’s awesome. (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing) Rush Revere and the Presidency is one of my favorite books of the ones that you have written.

RUSH: It’s amazing, all these young people that call. You sound like you’re really bright and I’m so honored and proud that you are among the people that have read the books. Matthew, I need you to hang on here ’cause I’m out of time. But I want to get your address so that we can send you a bunch of stuff from Revere and Liberty and the gang up there at the Rush Revere headquarters. So don’t hang up, and thank you so much, again.

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