Bad News for Dems: Black Unemployment at Record Low

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 5,2018

RUSH: From CNBC: “Black Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low — Unemployment among black workers is at its lowest since at least the early 1970s, when the government began tracking the data. The black unemployment rate of 6.8% in December was the lowest since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking it in 1972, a year in which the rate ranged from 11.2% to 9.4%. In the 45 years the data has been tracked, the unemployment rate for black or African-American workers aged 16 years and older has never fallen below 7%.”

Now, to fall below 7% under Barack Hussein Obama or under George W. Bush or under Bill Clinton or under the promised presidency of Hillary Rodham Clinton?  When did this happen?  It happened in the last 12 months!  Now, what happened in the last 12 months?  Some moron who doesn’t know anything about what he’s doing, who is a childlike and who 100% say is unfit for office did it — or was presiding when it happened.  What an idiot.  What an abject idiot.  I guarantee you, the Democrat Party is gonna look at this (chuckles) and they’re not gonna find anything to celebrate here.

And you African-Americans had better pay attention to me when I tell you this, ’cause this is not something that people you vote for are gonna celebrate.  This is not good news for the Democrat Party, that black unemployment is falling.  That’s something to be very wary and perhaps panicked about.  And all of you Democrat-voting African-Americans had better not ignore me on this.  Your patrons are not happy about this.

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