Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“All of these things that Trump is up against and yet he’s at 50% approval. How in the world does this happen? Not to mention hundred percent, 90% negative media coverage. How does it happen he gets to 50%, and what does it mean?”
“Have any of you ever run into a Never Trumper that could be changed by Trump? Trump has what’s called perfect polarization. There’s nobody that does not have an opinion on Trump. He’s either wildly appreciated and liked or he’s despised.”
• New York Post: Russia Says Trump Invited Putin to the White House
• Washington Examiner: Mexico Aids Easter Invasion of Over 1,000 Illegals into US
• The Hill: Trump: ‘DACA is Dead Because the Democrats Didn’t Care or Act’
• CNBC: Trump Links US Border Wall to NAFTA Renegotiation, Warns Mexico ‘Must Stop Drug, People Flows’
• Legal Insurrection: If Fox News Cancels Laura Ingraham, it Might as Well Close the Network
• Daily Caller: 50%: Trump Outpaces Obama In Approval Ratings
• Rasmussen: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
• New York Post: New Book Blames Kellyanne Conway for White House Leaks
• Daily Wire: CNN’s Joan Walsh Attacks Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv. Guess It’s Time For Another Boycott!
• WattsUpWithThat: Judge in #ExxonKnew Case Accepts Amicus Brief Exposing Climatology’s Grave Error
• The Hill: Trump Defends Sinclair: It’s ‘Funny to Watch Fake News Networks’ Criticize It
• CNN: They Led a National March. Now Parkland Students Return to a School They say ‘Feels Like Jail’
• Federalist: Chappaquiddick’ Plays 1969’s Ted Kennedy Scandal Straight
• HollywoodReporter: ‘Roseanne’ Ratings Climb, Hit 25 Million Viewers With Time-Shifting Record
• Daily Wire: Media Go Nuts After Sinclair Local Hosts All Read Anti-Fake News Message. Here’s Why That’s Ridiculous
• Wall Street Journal: Climate Alarmists May Inherit the Wind – Phelim McAleer
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: