Former Feminazi Rehabilitated by This Program

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 1,2018

RUSH: This is Jen, and it’s your turn. Great to have you. I’m glad you called.

CALLER: Hi. I never thought that I’d be calling in to speak with you, Rush.

RUSH: I’m glad you did.

CALLER: Yeah, I actually remember about 30 years ago I was just graduating, working while I was in one of my last years at a liberal arts college. And the workplace where I was working they were listening to you on the radio, and two men were listening, and I think you said something about — I don’t know if you were saying “feminazi” then —

RUSH: I was.

CALLER: You were?

RUSH: Oh, yeah.

CALLER: I think you might have said that and they kind of, oh, looked at each other and said, “Oh, what is this college girl gonna think of it.”

RUSH: Where was this? Was this in Philadelphia?

CALLER: No, no. It was the Northeast.

RUSH: Northeast. Well, Philadelphia is the Northeast.

CALLER: Yep. New York.

RUSH: New York. Okay.

CALLER: State. Yes. But now I am a proud ex-feminazi.

RUSH: (laughing).

CALLER: And Trump supporter.

RUSH: When did it happen?

CALLER: It was gradual. It was gradual. My mom was always women’s lib and, you know, my father served in the military; so I kind of had both perspectives growing up.

RUSH: Now, when you were growing up, around this time, you say your mom was always women’s lib, what was women’s lib for your mom?

CALLER: Well, it pretty much was a little bit man hating.

RUSH: Really?

CALLER: You know, talking about the problems of women and disgust for, you know, things that came out in the news and whatever and, you know —

RUSH: What about your dad? Was she mad at your dad ’cause he was a man or did he get an exemption?

CALLER: No. He was an exemption. But that really wasn’t when I became a feminazi.

RUSH: Well, then hang on. Hang on. We got a break. I want to hear this; so don’t hang up.


RUSH: Yeah, we’ll be back and continue here before you know it.


RUSH: Now we go back to Jen in Philadelphia. She was in the Northeast, in Upstate New York. She was working and couple men were listening to me on the radio, laughing when I used the term feminazi, and then they’d get a little nervous when they saw her, not sure what she would think about it. She is an acknowledged former feminazi herself, saying her mother was an early women’s libber, and we had to stop when I asked her when she started to break away — or when did you actually become a feminist and then what it took to have you escape that — and that’s where we need to pick it up. So welcome back. You’re there?

CALLER: Yes, I am.

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: Yep. So I became radicalized on campus and women’s studies. You have to remember that — and I totally understand how the feminazis think. Because when you’re a young girl and you’re innocent and you grow up and you realize, you know, there’s things like rape, and then you realize there’s things like FGM (feminine genital mutilation) and you know how women are treated all over the world. The world becomes a very, very scary place, and you get angry, and you’re afraid. From that perspective, you start to see it all around you.

You just start to see it everywhere, and so you get very angry. So I was very angry to the point where my father kind of cautioned me. I wanted to go into women’s studies. He said, “Why don’t you think about that. I don’t know how you’ll fare, what you’ll do, and all that,” and I’m glad that I did not. I’m really glad that I didn’t. I was English major, and I believe in free speech, and through the years I have seen the PC culture take over. I’ve seen the feminist movement totally anti-male.

I now call myself an equalist. I’m not a feminist, I’m an equalist, because you need to believe in all rights, and what now we have — at least on the feminist side — is that they, you know, are really man hating. And I just don’t… I can’t stand that. It’s not right to silence men. It’s not right to silence anyone. To respond to what Bob was saying about wearing his Make America Great Again hat, I say, “Wear it!” I say wear it! I have liberal friends. I think that people on the conservative side don’t know how to talk to people who are liberal.

RUSH: Now, now! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! You know, that’s the third thing that you have said that I have wanted to interrupt you on, but I haven’t because you’re speaking so well. But that! Oh! I have got to make a note. You just said that conservatives don’t know how to talk… What’d you say, conservatives don’t know how to talk to who?

CALLER: Liberals.

RUSH: Liberals. Okay. Gotta make a note. I could do a whole show on this, Jen. (writing) “Don’t… know … how … to … talk … to … liberals.”

CALLER: I’m happy to consult.

RUSH: See, I think it’s the other way around. The other thing that I wanted to say —

CALLER: Well, it’s both. It’s both ways. But I would say like interpersonally, to talk to your friends who, you know, are anti-Trump in this day and age, right here.

RUSH: Now, wait. You throw Trump in there; that changes the dynamic. If you want to… If Trump’s not in the picture, do you still think that conservatives don’t know how to talk to liberals?

CALLER: In some ways yes, because there’s so much self-censorship, and that’s what I’m against.

RUSH: See, that’s not how I interpret how to talk to ’em. Do you mean being respectful of them and acknowledging their fears, biases, their prejudices and making sure you don’t offend them and so you don’t know how to talk to ’em to do all that or…?

CALLER: No. It’s about being yourself, standing up for what you believe and saying it in a way where you frame the argument that it really makes it impossible for them to respond to you. If they know who you are, if they are actually your friend, if they have respect for you to then suddenly just trash you because of what you believe.

RUSH: Let me tell you a story. This does not involve women. This is about the conservatives don’t know how to talk to liberals. When I was in Sacramento, the station complex there was an AM and an FM, and I worked at KFBK, which was the AM station. There was an FM station that occasionally… It was country, then it went a mixture of hybrid. But they had a morning guy who was this cocky, arrogant, gigantic… He was just a creep, but I didn’t attach any politics to him ’cause I barely knew him.

But once my program began to be successful, some in the station were not happy about that and they started listening and trying to figure out why. This guy invites me over to his house for dinner, and I think he’s just being sociable. I had not yet known enough about him to know that he was an arrogant SOB. The whole evening was his attempt to prove that I was an idiot, didn’t know what I was talking about. “You can’t really believe this stuff you say.” He was filled with mockery. His girlfriend got so embarrassed; she left. It wasn’t I that didn’t know how to talk to this guy. It was this guy had no respect for anybody who didn’t think the way he did. I don’t think this is… I think conservatives… You talk about women.

CALLER: Well, you’re talking to people are so far gone, there’s not gonna be any reason.

RUSH: Well, to me every liberal is so far gone! That’s the whole point.

CALLER: Well, I would say there are mentally ill liberals out there who have the Trump Derangement Syndrome. But I have friends right now, friends who, you know, hate Trump with a passion and I’m still able to talk to them.

RUSH: Well, that’s not rational. That’s the problem. You’re trying to talking… Well, anybody. You can’t talk rationally to irrational people who really need to be in therapy. You can’t have a conversation with them or even try.

CALLER: Well, there’s some people who have that irrationality, but they still have some of the core beliefs that you can bridge to, and I say it’s free speech. I say this whole PC culture is what is eroding our freedoms, and that voting for Trump is not necessarily voting for the person or whatever; it’s to preserve your freedom. I mean, when the left is talking —

RUSH: Exactly.


RUSH: Exactly. You’re totally correct about that. PC culture is eroding our freedoms. PC is censorship.

CALLER: It is.

RUSH: It is exactly. But let me —

CALLER: It starts with the culture, the white guilt, the self-censorship. You got the free speech on colleges, and then you’ve got the New York Times talking about how the right is “weaponizing” speech — and you know what they think about weapons. They want to, you know, repeal the Second Amendment and now they want to the repeal the First Amendment.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: Then you got the fake news and the corporates —

RUSH: Man, you have —

CALLER: — and Facebook, Twitter. You take a look ahead. We can see ahead what the future is. Just look at Europe. They can’t even talk… First of all, they don’t have free speech —

RUSH: I can’t believe you used to be a feminazi.

CALLER: Oh, yeah. Well, I was always a free speecher. I was an English major, and free speech is key. If you don’t have freedom of speech, you don’t have freedom. I said this to my friend who’s liberal, who went to same college. I said, “Listen, I’d rather give up my right to an abortion.” Not that I’m pro-choice.

RUSH: Well, the thing is, they don’t want you or me to have freedom.


RUSH: Power to them is being able to deny freedom to people they don’t like.

CALLER: That’s right. That’s right. That’s why Bob has to wear his hat.

RUSH: Let me circle back.


RUSH: Our phone system is such that we’re talking at the same time and we can’t hear, but I’m running out of time and I want to say this to you. I want to circle back to your point about women and women’s studies and how women were fine and dandy until they were taught about how women are mistreated around the world and this or that. I have observed that the modern era of feminism in my life began when I was 18.

I’ll never forget my first taste of it. I was in high school, and I ran into some woman — a girl — who had become aware of, quote, unquote, “women’s lib,” and started living it and preaching it and talking about it. I had no idea it was going on. It was my first exposure to it, and then I became sensitive to it and aware of it — and my whole young, virile manhood was totally affected by this, and not in a positive way. Women became… Ugh.

That’s not my point. My point is you’re right, and it’s stunning to me what women — a lot of women, particularly university-educated women — have been taught to literally have a visceral hatred for men. The reason why this is so conflicting with me is because when I was growing up and where I grew up, women were on pedestals. We respected them; we cherished them; we pursued them; we chased them; we wooed them.

We didn’t hate them! We didn’t mistreat them. We didn’t treat them as second-class citizens. And then here comes feminism, and it’s turning all of them into these angry people who think we, men, are the biggest enemies, that their husbands become brutal child predators and so forth. I’m saying, “What in the world is happening?” How can such a large group of human beings — women — be converted en masse into such hateful people? And it’s the educational system that did it.

You’ve got women like Catharine MacKinnon teaching women’s studies at the University of Michigan telling them that all sex is rape, even the sex of marriage — and they’re buyin’ it, and they’re believing it. What do you think it’s gonna turn them into? My point is that my life experience growing up and even into my young adulthood, twenties and thirties, was never to look at women the way they were being told I did look at them. And I can’t tell you how frustrating it was. It still is!

CALLER: Well, let me ask you this — or let me just pose a question just to people at large. I mean, is there any wonder why there are sex dolls coming out? (giggles)

RUSH: Any wonder what?

CALLER: There are sex dolls, the rise of all the sex dolls.

RUSH: Oh, no. (chuckles) No. Some guys are not gonna put up with it, or don’t know how. Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t quite hear you at first, but when I did, yes. I knew exactly what you referring to. No! A lot of the things that men do, including not going to college to avoid the modern-day, angry… I think it’s the biggest shame in the world, and I know how real it is. I know how so many women have been converted into having genuine hatred. But it’s women in one area and the professors and the liberals on college have turned other people into other hateful groups of people.

The targeted group is always conservatives or Republicans. They are always the villains, and of course if you look through the history of time, the people who treated women with the greatest respect and reverence has always been well raised, well-mannered men who do not come from radical, extremist families and so forth. That’s the great dichotomy of this. Anyway, Jen, I am so glad that you called. I have to take a break because I’m really out of time here. But I hope to hear from you again and just keep on, because you are your own little individual success story that I love hearing about.

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