Millennials Turn Their Backs on Boobs

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 20,2018

RUSH: The Millennials. The Millennials. Get this story. Hooters. Hooters! Hooters! Hooters is an institution! Hooters is a rite of passage; it has been for a lot of people. Hooters is shutting down, many locations. They’re having to restrategize their entire existence after a recent study found that Millennials are not into boobs! Now, why would it be that Millennials are not into boobs? It’s probably because since they were first able to see…

It isn’t any big deal anymore. Boobs have been part of Millennial pop culture — nude this, nude that, pornographic this, pornographic that. “Boobs at a restaurant? That’s no big deal.” Just a fact of life. Generational change. It’s just not a big deal to them — and ’cause it’s not just boobs. I mean, there’s a bunch of other things too that… (interruption) Well, yeah, they’ve got good wings, but… but… (interruption) Hooters does! (interruption) Somebody’s telling me boobs have good wings, and I’m thinking, “What am I missing.”

No, Hooters has good wings.

Of course. It’s a rite of passage in there.

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