Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Can’t Wait

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 13,2018

RUSH: Do you notice more people begin sentences with the word “so” now? Like… So, even before Hurricane Florence hit, global warming wackos and the Drive-By Media used the storm to push their agenda.

So, case in point, a front-page item in the Washington Post. Supposedly, new research predicts hurricanes will intensify from Category 1 storms to “behemoth” Category 4 faster than ever — and, as the climate continues to warm, we’ll have more behemoth hurricanes than ever.

So, the bad news doesn’t end there. The faster, bigger, and badder hurricanes will be so bad that scientists need a new category of badness. So right now, Category 5 hurricanes are the worst. But we could soon see Category 6 hurricanes.

This new research is based on computer models. Not from old computers. No, these new horrible storm models were created on “super” computers.

So you should be super-scared! Scared enough to vote for Democrats who will get us back into the Paris climate accords, and fix global warming, so we won’t ever have to face a Category 6 hurricane.

Hurricanes are decreasing in intensity! Don’t doubt me. Proof on the radio later.

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