Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Gnatcatchers

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 6,2018

RUSH: It was a coalition of environmentalist wackos. Last year, the Center for Biological Diversity, the Animal League Defense Fund, and the Defenders of Wildlife joined forces to oppose the border wall.

Their lawsuit claimed that construction of the wall would harm plants, rare wildlife habitats, and coastal birds like the California gnatcatcher.

The lawsuit also claimed that President Trump didn’t have the right to build the wall, despite a 1996 law giving the federal government authority to construct border walls and bypass environmental rules to get the job done.

Back in February, an appeals court sided with the Trump administration. He could build the wall, over the wackos’ objections, and despite the California gnatcatcher.

This week the Supreme Court weighed in by refusing to hear the case. Meaning, the Appeals Court decision siding with President Trump stands.

Now the only thing standing in the way of the wall is the money, the funding. And that problem could be rectified immediately, if Republican gnatcatchers in Congress wanted it to happen. That’s really what this is about, so keep a sharp eye.

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