
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Another little news item here that I want to comment on before we go to the break, just some Drudge headlines here. These are all stories involving refugees fleeing oppressive governments. New York City population dips for the first time in a decade as refugees from New York are fleeing high taxes and oppressive regulations.

Chicago is still losing people, so refugees are abandoning Chicago. And there is a homeless surge at the San Francisco airport. At the airport? I didn’t click on the links. I don’t know what the story says. I knew we weren’t gonna be talking about this kind of stuff today so I just decided to do the links themselves and let the links speak for themselves.

Let’s take a brief time-out and do that now ’cause I want to come back. I know a lot of you want to weigh in on this so we’ll get to as many of you as we can.

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