Cable News Gloms On to My Hilarious Line

by Rush Limbaugh - May 16,2019

RUSH: To the audio sound bites. I wanted to share this with you ’cause it’s funny. We’re up to now sound bite 8. Shannon Bream is interviewing John Yoo. John Yoo is the former Justice Department official for George W. Bush, and John Yoo is the one who yesterday pointed out that the choice of Mr. Durham to do this investigation is serious. This must mean that Barr expects indictments. So Shannon Bream is interviewing him last night, and this is how she sets up one of her questions to him…

BREAM: I want to play a little bit of what Rush Limbaugh had to say today about now we have three investigations that we know of that are going into the origins of what happened. Might have been a little tongue-in-cheek. We’ll let you decide.

RUSH ARCHIVE: The next thing to keep a sharp eye out for, folks, and that is people fleeing the country. If you see James Comey in Argentina or if you see James Clapper somewhere where they can’t be extradited, then you will know that we’re getting close. When these people start leaving… I’m half joking. It hasn’t started yet, but, man, are they nervous.

RUSH: So then Shannon Bream turns to John Yoo for his reaction to this…

YOO: Both of them should be nervous (chuckles), both the FBI director, the CIA director, and the National Intelligence Director. And the reason why is because of the appointment by Attorney General Barr of Mr. Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to take a look at all this. The reason why is if Mr. Barr — who is no anti-deep state guy. He’s a guy who started out in the CIA. If Attorney General Barr appointed a U.S. attorney, that probably means he thinks there’s some grounds for criminal investigation. There’s already an investigation within the Justice Department going on by the inspector general, which you would use if you wanted to reform things in the department, change the way you did the FISA warrants. But to bring in an outside U.S. attorney to conduct a kind of criminal investigation? That should have a lot of people worried.

RUSH: They are worried. They should be worried. They haven’t started fleeing the country yet. Here is Sean Hannity last night utilizing the same sound bite…

HANNITY: Rush Limbaugh rightly pointing out the deep state is now in a panic mode for good reason. Take a look…

RUSH ARCHIVE: The next thing to keep a sharp eye out for, folks, and that is people fleeing the country. If you see James Comey in Argentina or if you see James Clapper somewhere where they can’t be extradited, then you will know that we’re getting close. When these people start leaving… I’m half joking. It hasn’t started yet, but, man, are they nervous, because the attorney general has appointed a prosecutor to look into the investigation.

HANNITY: All right, now, that’s funny. I wish I’d thought of that. When you see them in Venezuela.

RUSH: Argentina. Wherever you can’t extradite! Cuba! Comey in Cuba looking at the cigar fields, tobacco fields wistfully as he communes with nature.

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