Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Appeasement

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 31,2019

RUSH: Under a California law that took effect Tuesday, President Trump will not be allowed to appear on California’s primary ballot next year unless he releases his tax returns.

The new law requires that all presidential candidates must submit five years of income tax filings by this November, in order to secure a spot on the ballot for the March 2020 primary.

Now, anybody with a basic knowledge of the American political system and the law will tell you why this is going to end up in court. The Constitution sets the requirements to run for president. Not the Democrat supermajority in California. Not the California governor. Not California politicians. The new California law is unconstitutional on its face.

But there’s another problem. California Democrats can’t dictate to another political party what candidate they can or cannot choose in their primary. That’s a First Amendment issue.

This new law is a sham. It’s just pure political showboating for a bunch of radicals that live out there. California Democrats knew it when they wrote it, and California Governor Newsom knew it when he signed it. This was done for one reason only. To appease the Trump-hating kook base of the Democrat Party and they’re still trying to find something to overturn the 2016 election. That’s what it’s really about.

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