Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Game Over

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 22,2019

RUSH: The Department of Homeland Security has announced new rules. Families who crossed the border together will stay in detention together until their cases are resolved.

Now, if the new rules go into effect, illegal immigrant kids will no longer be separated from their parents after 20 days, which has happened since the 1997 Flores Agreement. There will be no more “family separations,” folks!

Liberals should have been ecstatic, should have been celebrating! Massive fireworks displays should have lit up the skies over every sanctuary city in America.

Instead, they are furious. They’re threatening to go to court over the new rules, because one of their biggest immigration scams is about to be blown up.

Illegal immigrants have gamed the system for years, with Democrats’ help. Thousands of families flooded the borders, knowing that if they overwhelmed our agencies, their kids would be released after 20 days. In many cases, the parents were also released — and then promptly disappeared “into the shadows.” The game was called “catch-and-release.”

Now that game might be over, and they can’t say, “Trump is separating families,” which is what they really want to be able to say. So they’re mad as hell that the situation is going to be better for the kids.

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