Crazy Mrs. Clinton Calls Tulsi Gabbard a Russian Asset!

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 18,2019

RUSH: Ha-ha-ha, folks. They think we’re nuts, right? Recently Mrs. Clinton… This would be yesterday. Mrs. Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, “the smartest woman in the world,” remember? Oh, yeah. In the campaign of 1992, the media was claiming Hillary Clinton was “the smartest woman in the world”! Even after… Even after Hillary admitted that she would walk the White House after midnight and seek the ghost of — what was her name? — Eleanor Roosevelt for guidance.

Hillary Clinton admitting that she did this, and occasionally, Eleanor Roosevelt did talk to her, and the media still said, “Smartest woman in the world.” Okay. So Hillary Clinton yesterday appears on a podcast, which is the left’s attempt to deal with the fact that they have failed at talk radio. Podcast here, podcast there. “Ah, I’m on a podcast!” Podcast audiences are as tiny as their talk show audiences were, which is statistically zero. She’s on a podcast hosted by a former Obama campaign guy named David Plouffe.

It’s called the Campaign HQ with David Plouffe. I’m sure it’s a podcast that’s just tearing them apart out there. Downloads out the wazoo, right? Ahem. So David Plouffe says to the smartest woman in the world, “One of the reasons Trump was able to win in 2016 was the third-party vote. How concerned are you, Mrs. Clinton, about that? I mean, he’s gonna try and drive people not to vote for him but to say, ‘You can’t vote for the Democrats, either.’ That seems to be their key strategy right now.”

Don’t play the bite yet. Do you realize they’re conjuring up all of these flimsy excuses for her losing? Now it’s third-party vote? Can somebody tell me who the third-party candidate was? I can tell you who it was, but I doubt that you’ll remember. Do you know who it was? Jill Stein. Does the name ring a bell? She was the Green Party candidate. Remember she was the one that went to the Electoral College and tried to get the electors to not vote for Trump.

Third-party candidate? I thought it was the Russians! What happened to that? I thought the Russians are why Hillary lost! Now he’s telling her that she lost to the third-party vote? And he’s asking her, “What are the Democrats gonna do about it this year? Seems to be their strategy right now. Trump’s strategy is to push the third party…” What third party? And Hillary has the answer. Are you ready? Dadelut, dadelut, dadelut. Three, two, one.

HILLARY: I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who’s currently in the Democratic primaries —

PLOUFFE: (snickers)

HILLARY: — and are grooming here to be the third-party candidate. She’s a favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far.

PLOUFFE: Mmm-hmm.

HILLARY: That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, ’cause she’s also a Russian asset.

PLOUFFE: (Snort!) Crazy.

HILLARY: Yeah! She’s a Russian asset! I mean, totally. And so they know they can’t win without a third-party candidate.

RUSH: Are you kidding me?

HILLARY: I don’t know who it’s gonna be, but I will guarantee you they’ll have a vigorous third-party challenge in the key states that they most need it.

RUSH: Are you kidding? So Jill Stein was a Russian agent, Trump was a Russian agent, and now Tulsi Gabbard is who she’s talking about here. Tulsi Gabbard is the Russian agent! Hillary Clinton says that Russians are “grooming” Tulsi Gabbard to run third-party to elect Trump. The smartest woman in the world? We are surrounded by genuinely sick people. Mrs. Clinton is not right. (groans) This is paramountly obvious.

Now, Tulsi Gabbard won the Drudge poll on the Democrat debate going away. Average people watching the debate thought she did the best. Do you know one of the things she did in the debate? And I know this because I sat there and watched this. She took on the New York Times and she took on CNN (televising the debate). She said, “This is outrageous. You have said that I am a Russian sleeper agent. CNN has said that I’m a Russian sleeper agent. This is outrageous.”

She took them to task for it! The New York Times has reported her as a Russian agent. These people are so far gone with this Russia business, but did you listen, did you hear Mrs. Clinton? You gotta hear this again. This is matter of fact. “Oh, she’s a Russian agent. (muttering) Russian agent and so forth.” Notice this guy Plouffe — who is Obamas campaign guy — is just going right along with it here. Play it again, Sam. Three, two, one. Let ‘er rip!

HILLARY: I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who’s currently in the Democratic primaries —

PLOUFFE: (snickers)

HILLARY: — and are grooming here to be the third-party candidate.

RUSH: Holy smokes!

HILLARY: She’s a favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far.

PLOUFFE: Mmm-hmm.

HILLARY: That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, ’cause she’s also a Russian asset.

PLOUFFE: (Snort!) Crazy.

HILLARY: Yeah! She’s a Russian asset! I mean, totally.

RUSH: Come on! (laughing)

HILLARY: And so they know they can’t win without a third-party candidate. I don’t know who it’s gonna be, but I will guarantee you they’ll have a vigorous third-party challenge in the key states that they most need it.

RUSH: It’s crazy! It is totally crazy! The woman has lost her mind! Losing to Trump sent her over the edge in the wheelchair over the cliff with Paul Ryan’s grandmother, and she’s out of it. This is just… This is too juicy! (impression) “Well, Jill Stein, if she gets… Of course she’s a Russian agent, too! They’re grooming Tulsi Gabbard to be a Russian…” Tulsi Gabbard just denied it. Look at the Democrats they’re throwing overboard.

Why are we afraid of these people? Well, I’m not. But why are people like Mitt Romney afraid of these people? Why are people like our Never Trumpers afraid of them? Why in the world would we…? There were people on our side that voted for Hillary Clinton! Why in the world? Who in the world would vote for this? And we have Never Trumpers who did proudly stating so!

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