Pierre Delecto Is Very Jealous of Donald Trump

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 21,2019

RUSH: Let’s go back two weeks, October 7th, 2019, on this program in three, two, one.

RUSH ARCHIVE: They need to be able to say even if there is an acquittal in the Senate, they need to be able to say that the impeachment was bipartisan. So, if they can get a couple of Republicans in the House to vote with them and, if they can peel off a couple of senators, like Romney or Susan Collins, then, bingo, in their estimation they have won.

They have now created the campaign issue, the mother of all campaign issues, that a bipartisan effort was put together to impeach the president, but he was only saved because of the partisanship of Republican leaders in the Senate. That’s their campaign, folks.

So what they need to do to pull this off, they need to peel off Republicans. They need weak-kneed, wobbly kneed, linguine-spined Republicans — not very many — they need a couple in the House, a couple in the Senate, and the magic claim of bipartisanship, in their minds, will have been reached. And that will be the campaign. That’s it. Their campaign will come down to that.

Mitt Romney is a very bitter guy. Mitt Romney is a Never Trumper extraordinaire, and Mitt Romney is fully aware of the dishonesty that is Adam Schiff. And it doesn’t matter to him. Romney has made noises about throwing his hat in the primary ring here to maybe compete against Trump for the Republican nomination in 2020. So they figure they can get Romney.

RUSH: Two weeks ago. Two weeks ago your host predicted to you, and it probably was something you could come up with on your own because it’s that obvious what they’re doing. And, lo and behold, here he comes, the first cousin of Carlos Danger, what is his name? Pierre Delecto, Mitt Romney tweeting under a fake name.

Mitt Romney, among whose major criticisms of Trump is that he won’t stop tweeting, Mitt Romney set up a fake-named Twitter account — for what purpose? — to respond to criticism of him! Because he is thin-skinned, totally vain and, I now believe completely, totally jealous of Donald Trump.

I think Romney thinks he should be Trump. And he isn’t Trump. And so he hides behind the fact that he has honor and dignity and Trump doesn’t. But, anyway, so it’s now a foregone conclusion that Schiff and the Democrats have Romney. So they’re gonna get their bipartisan trick vote, if it ever goes this far, they’re gonna be able to say that impeachment is bipartisan.

I’m not making it up. Mitt Romney — in fact, being made fun of in several areas of the internet after a new report revealed that he appears to have used a secret Twitter account to defend himself against critics online.

“During an interview with The Atlantic, Romney made the revelation that he had a secret Twitter account: ‘That’s kind of what he does,’ Romney said with a shrug, and then got up to retrieve an iPad from his desk. He explained that he uses a secret Twitter account — ‘What do they call me, a lurker?’ — to keep tabs on the political conversation. ‘I won’t give you the name of it,’ he said [emphasis added], but ‘I’m following 668 people.” Swiping at his tablet, he recited some of the accounts he follows, including journalists, late-night comedians … and athletes. Trump was not among them. ‘He tweets so much.’ … Hours later, Slate published a report that appears to have identified Romney’s secret Twitter account: Pierre Delecto.”

Now, where does this name Pierre come from? I’m gonna tell you where I think Romney got the name from. During the campaign of — it was either 1988 or 1992, I forget which, George W. Bush had a primary challenger. And his name was Pete du Pont. Now, Romney would have been very active in politics then, he was running around with great aspirations, very, very prominent, Republican Party.

Romney is the quintessential swamp rat. He’s the quintessential son of establishment figures. The thing about Romney that amazes me is he hates Trump, and he is sidling up to all the people that ruined him or tried to ruin him when he ran against Obama in 2012. All the lies they told about Romney. Not paying his taxes, not caring about animals, not caring about whether the wife of an employee died because Romney didn’t care enough to make sure his employees had health care.

That’s the group he’s siding up with, the people that veritably destroyed him, that blew up his presidential campaign against Obama. Those are the people that are his friends! Those are the people he wants to be with! It’s classic. Mitt Romney is a microcosm of everything that’s wrong with the Republicans in Washington and how they choose sides and who they really want acceptance from, who they really want to be their friends.

Anyway, Pete du Pont’s nickname was Pierre. Well, his actual name was Pierre. Pete was the nickname. George H. W. Bush refused to call him Pete, called him Pierre to try to make him sound like this elitist — and he was. He was Pierre Du Pont, and George H. W. who himself was an elitist and from a very rare air segment of society was dumping on poor Pete Du Pont, didn’t know what hit him, calling him Pierre in the debates. I’ll guarantee you that’s where Romney got this. I’ll guarantee you.


RUSH: You know what the translation of Pierre Delecto is? “Delightful peter.” Mitt Romney saying “I have a delightful peter.” And I wonder if he knows Carlos Danger. Well, that’s what it means. Pierre Delecto, delightful Peter. You reverse ’em? I have no doubt. And here’s this guy out there running around talking about what an abomination Donald Trump is. I’m telling you, he is jealous of Trump. I don’t mean politically, although he can’t believe Trump got elected. Not possible. Not in the civilized world that Mitt Romney comes from.

But I tell you, I cannot emphasize enough for you, the very people that destroyed Mitt Romney’s campaign for president are the people he is siding with, are the people he is joining. He may as well be making best friends with Harry Reid and Schumer and Pelosi and Schiff and all of these people who went out of their way to personally destroy Mitt Romney, to personally damage forever his reputation. That’s who he sides with now.

That’s exactly right because those are the people he needs to get back in with. Those are the people who run Washington, in his world, those are the people that he’s got to make amends with. Essentially, he’s got to find a way to apologize for running against Obama. He’s gotta find a way for doing that. He’s learned his lesson. You go against us, Mitt, look what we can do to you. And he doesn’t want it to happen to him again, so now he joins them. And this is the kind of thing that Donald Trump is up against in the military, in all of the administrative state.


RUSH: Here’s Romney, the secret Twitter account, Delightful Peter. What’s that mean, Mitt? Pierre Delecto. And what’s he doing? Responding to criticism because he can’t take it. And now here’s all these people complaining Trump tweets too much, and what’s mister doing? He’s out there tweeting. But he doesn’t even have the gonads to do it in his own name!

“Hey, Rush, have you forgotten Trump did the same thing. He created a phony PR guy that was really him.” Yeah, it was a great bit too. He did this back in the nineties in New York. He’s never faked it out as a president. I mean, Mitt Romney is running around portraying himself as clean and pure as the wind-driven snow! They’re all just a bunch of hypocrites.

The best illustration of what this is all about is look who it is that Mitt Romney’s trying to be friends with. You wonder why all of these years the Republicans promising to do this and promising to do that never led to those promises being fulfilled. Well, we now know why. They wanted acceptance from the people that run Washington. They didn’t want to anger them or oppose them.


RUSH: Did you hear what he said about the emoluments clause right now? He said the emoluments clause is nutty. I’m rich. It doesn’t apply to me. The emoluments clause cannot possibly apply to rich people. Now I know exactly what he means, but those kinds of words just send these phony baloney, plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roller stuffed shirts into a tizzy!

You’re just not supposed to talk about yourself. The rich never call themselves rich. The rich never acknowledge they’re rich. They talk about how much they care about the poor. The rich never acknowledge that they’re rich. In fact, what the rich do is complain about wealth, that there’s too much of it and the taxes aren’t high enough. That’s the game. That’s the Kennedy game. That’s the Warren Buffett game. That’s the Bill Gates game.

They all downplay it. They ignore it. They sound like a bunch of liberals that don’t have anything. And this is how they insure themselves for when the people eventually grab their pitchforks and head to take over everything, they’ll leave Gates alone, they’ll leave Buffett alone, they’ll leave the Kennedys alone because they think the Kennedys are looking out for ’em and so forth. But Trump! He tells people he’s rich. He brags about being rich. He explains how hard at work it took to get rich. He doesn’t make apologies for it. He doesn’t make excuses for it.

And you’re just not supposed to — oh, that’s such a breach of decorum, it is such a violation of norms. You’re not supposed to do it. And they all end up being embarrassed by guy! Now, stop and think of that. You know what, folks? That is a bigger factor than you would ever believe. These people that don’t even know him, that hate his guts are embarrassed by him because they think that he’s making them all look bad. Which he is but not in the ways they understand.

So Trump comes out and says, emoluments shmoluments. They don’t apply to rich people. I don’t need a present from anybody. I don’t need a gift from anybody. I don’t need some foreign leader giving me anything. I’ve got everything I want. Doesn’t apply to rich people. Bingo! A, B, C, true. Not supposed to say it. Not supposed to talk that way. Not cool. Not kosher. Not supposed to talk that way. Not prudent. Not wise to do that. Trump says, hell’s bells. It’s true. The emoluments clause, I never heard of it. I couldn’t care less. I’m rich. There’s nothing anybody could… not supposed to say that.

Then it becomes he’s a reprobate. But what if it were discovered — like this Romney business, nobody’s talking about it even though Slate uncovered it, he’s got this secret account, Pierre Delecto, delightful Peter. And it’s to answer criticism of him. He’s got this phony account which praises himself! It’s sick! It is evidence of supreme insecurity, if you ask me.

You’re in the political world, Mittens. You can’t take a little criticism? I mean, you want to be friends with the people that said you didn’t pay taxes for 10 years? You want to be friends with the people that said you hate animals? You want to be friends with people who claim you hate women? You want to be friends with people who claim you were a prep school bully? You can imagine Mitt Romney a bully? Ha.

At any rate, imagine if they discovered that Trump had one of these things secretly praising himself under a fake name. I mean, that would be the lead headline above the fold on every newspaper on every cable news network. They would impeach him with the proof that he was mentally unstable. That’s what they would do if they found that Trump was doing that. With Mitt Romney, ah, it’s a ho-hum and it’s a bit of a yawner.

All right. Back to the phones. This is Eddie in Lexington, Illinois, great to have you on the EIB Network, Eddie. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. This is kind of from a common folk perspective, but I want to tell you something about this Mitt Romney. He reminds me a lot of that John McCain. Some writer today, I believe it might have been Breitbart, called him part of the John McCain syndrome. I think the best that Romney’s gonna get out of all this is the same thing that McCain got, and that was a hell of a funeral. But I’d also like to add —

RUSH: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Since you bring that up, what was the McCain funeral about?

CALLER: Well, it was about celebrating the fact that this man was willing to trash our president, Donald J. Trump.

RUSH: No. It was about Donald Trump. The McCain funeral was about Trump. I couldn’t believe it. One eulogist after another trashes Trump. Why do you have to trash Trump to make McCain look good?

CALLER: Yes, sir. And it was essentially an anti-Trump rally.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: But I’d like to point out that I think there is a solution to what Romney’s doing, and you alluded to the fact that it’s gonna become an impeachment bipartisan question. Here’s my solution. I hope they have the gonads to do this. His niece, Ronna McDaniel’s is head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel. I would love to see her get up and address a Trump rally, call out her uncle, and she’d get the biggest standing ovation ever at a Trump rally. I’d have to say, I’m sorry, Mr. President, but this lady would knock the roof off the place if she called out her uncle for sliding with the other side just for his own advantage.

RUSH: Yeah. It’s one of those you might like to see. I don’t know, she might do it. I would be surprised if something like that happened, not because she wouldn’t do it, but just because that’s the kind of thing Trump would do himself. He doesn’t farm things out to other people. I don’t know how many people know that she is related to Mittens. She could tell ’em. But I don’t know. I don’t think it’s going to take that. You know, I’ve got piece here — thanks for the call out there, Eddie.

I have a piece here from Townhall that was written by Kurt Schlichter, and it’s called, “Snit Romney.” That’s the headline. And let me give you a pull quote from Schlichter’s piece, Snit Romney.

“The same day he was on the Senate floor fronting about ‘honor’ and ‘betrayal’ there was a civil war breaking out in Mexico, yet Mitt couldn’t spare a second to fight to secure our own border. Every year, our open border literally kills thousands of Americans, via criminals and fentanyl. That’s what we’re interested in, not refereeing between tribes on the other side of the globe.

“But the folks who really matter to Mitt, his fat cat elite pals, decreed that we just have to accept the open borders butcher’s bill because they need the serf labor and new voters, so Mitt’s right there championing the Kurds instead of you and your family.”

And let me just add, if you think Mitt Romney and the rest of these people really loves the Kurds you are missing the boat. They couldn’t care less about the Kurds until Trump pulls 50 advisers out of there. Where’s all this evidence they care about the Kurds? Where is it? Where are the Drive-By Media driving over there, riding over there, flying over doing profiles of the unfortunate beaten up Kurds? You don’t see that.

Nobody’s championing the cause of the Kurds. Then when Trump decides to pull out all these guys all of a sudden fall in love with the Kurds! Now, I’m not denying the Kurds are allies of the United States, but these guys have no personal stake in it. This is just an opportunity to rip into Trump.

You know, I supported Romney in 2012. Even after he called himself a severe conservative. He came by here, like they all do, he came by here one day and we had a 30-minute little meeting, and it was off to a fundraiser at Stephen Ross’s palatial mansion, the owner of the Dolphins.

And I drove by there on the way home. I left here about a half hour after Romney left, and I’m driving home, drive right by Steve Ross’s place. Ann Coulter is going in there and a whole parade of people going, thought Mitt Romney was the cat’s meow. And it didn’t take long, all those people walking in start trashing Mitt Romney a few hours and few days or weeks later over this or that.

He came out with this 47% comment, you know, at the private fundraiser where he was telling these donors, 47% of the people are never gonna vote for me, they don’t get it, dyed-in-the-wool socialist Big Government types. That leaks out, somebody in there leaked it out, the press went to town, Romney an elitist. These are the people that he’s sidling up with. I still can’t emphasize that enough.

And I really think that at the root of all this is a jealousy of Trump. And it’s not just Romney. How many of these other people think they’re better than everybody else, think they’re elites, have run for high office, haven’t gotten anywhere? Trump comes in with no experience whatsoever and pulls it off, never having held political office before. But these people, folks, they are so infatuated, so desirous of having friends in the establishment, being popular. He had to have a secret Twitter account to secretly defend himself, all while the blasting Trump for tweeting!

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