Lois Lerner Tipped Us Off to the Obama Deep State

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 24,2019

RUSH: Now we start in Austin, Texas. Joseph, great to have you, sir, on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Rush, you can draw a line from Lois Lerner to the whistleblower. And that line runs through Chuck Schumer, the torching of Mike Flynn, the recusal of Jeff Sessions, the Mueller report. It’s the same play. They’re on offense. They’re lurking in there and they don’t need explicit instructions as we discussed in the Lois Lerner case. They just need to check TV and hear John Brennan and look at Jim Comey’s directions and they’re lying in wait and then they go to Schiff’s staff, and they get going, and they get another big controversy going.

RUSH: So you’re tracing this back to the days of Obama. Lois Lerner is the IRS Obamaite who refused to grant tax-exempt status to a number of conservative 501(c)(3)s claiming that they didn’t qualify. And so they were not allowed to participate in fundraising. By the way, what he is talking about, when he says, “As we discussed,” she didn’t have to be told. What he means, he’s got a great memory. He’s remembering, you know, I pointed out that somebody like Lois Lerner did not have to be told by Obama to do this.

So there wouldn’t be a smoking-gun memo to find. There wouldn’t be an instructional memo from POTUS to Lois, “Screw conservatives.” You could look for it all day long, you’re not gonna find it. ‘Cause she doesn’t need the memo. She knows what she’s there to do. Eric Holder knew what he was there to do as attorney general. Everybody Obama appointed. And you talk about Brennan and Clapper and Comey, you know, they knew what they were there to do. They didn’t need instructions. They’re all on the same page. Pretty much true.

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