Barack on Wokeness and Michelle on Whiteness

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 30,2019

RUSH: Obama has come out against wokeness, and Michelle Obama said (paraphrased), “You know what? I don’t think it’s possible. I can’t convince white people that black people are okay and nice. I just can’t do it. I’d have to show up every day for 15 hours a day. I don’t think I can do it. I cannot convince white people that black people are okay and not mean and bad.” And Obama has come out and said, “I don’t care how woke you are, that’s not activism.”

You know what I think Obama’s doing? (interruption) You haven’t heard this? Well, I’ve got the sound bites. Look, I’m just setting the table. I’ve got sound bites for all this coming up. Obama literally came out and ripped into wokeness, which is the modern expression of political correctness. He’s saying (summarized), “You can be ‘woke’ all day, you can have all your memes and all you want on social media, but that’s not activism.”

I think Obama’s worrying about what’s happening to his daughters in college, and I think this is a long-distance message from a father to his kids. You know, most kids rebel against parents at some stage. Even if your dad is Barack Hussein, The One — even if your dad is a former president — people rebel. It’s human nature. I think he may be worried about the kind of stuff his daughters are encountering. Who wouldn’t be if you’re a responsible parent? Who wouldn’t be?

They’re not just encountering liberalism. They’re encountering left-wing, anti-American radicalism everywhere. So Obama’s statement criticizing wokeness, I wouldn’t be surprised… I don’t know. I’m just wild guessing here. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a long-distance message and attempt to reach his two daughters to not fall for it and don’t let that define or turn them into who they are.


Now, Michelle Obama. You know, setting the table in the previous half hour. Let me play for you the sound bite of what she said. There’s an accompanying story. Michelle Obama says that white people are still running from blacks and immigrants. And she was in Chicago, the Obama Foundation Summit, and this is what she said.

MICHELLE: I can’t make people not afraid of black people. I don’t know what’s going on, I can’t explain what’s happening in your head, but maybe if I show up every day as a human, a good human, maybe, just maybe that work will pick away at the scabs of your discrimination. We can’t do it for them ’cause they’re broken. They’re brokenness in how they see us is a reflection of their brokenness, and you can’t fix that.

RUSH: The woman was first lady for eight years, for crying out loud! She was visible every day. She was a nice person every day. She was compassionate, she showed up. She was a good human every day. And here she is at the Obama Foundation Summit: “I can’t make people not afraid of black people. I don’t know what’s going on, I can’t explain what’s happening in your head, but maybe if I -” where does Michelle Obama live?

She says white people are still running from blacks and immigrants. The Obamas have two primary residences. One of them is an $8 million house in Kalorama Washington, D.C. It’s 83% white. Only 3.8% of the population of the Kalorama area is black. So from whom is Michelle Obama running? If she moves into a 83% white neighborhood, where did she leave? Not supposed to ask this, folks. I realize it takes a brave and courageous soul like me to ask questions like this.

But she claims that white people are still running from blacks and immigrants, and yet she moves into an 83% white neighborhood, which you have to ask, well, from where did she come?

And the second home the Obamas have is in Martha’s Vineyard. The black population of Martha’s Vineyard, 3.3%. You know who lives in Martha’s Vineyard, a bunch of uber-left-wing Harvard and academic deep staters. And that’s who the Obamas want to hang out with, 3.3% black population, Martha’s Vineyard, 3.8% black population where they live in Washington. So who’s running away from who? Who’s running to whom?

Now, here’s her husband, Barack Hussein O. This is yesterday in Chicago. Again, the Obama Foundation Summit and this is what he said about wokeness and all that. You can judge yourself.

OBAMA: There is this sense sometimes of the way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people, and that’s enough. Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the word, wrong verb, or, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself, ’cause, “man, you see how woke I was?” That’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change, you know. If all you’re doing is casting stones, you know, you’re probably not going to get that far.

RUSH: Oh, my goodness. The Obamas are throwing cold water on everybody. The Obamas are a walking cold shower. You got all these leftists out there thinking they’re doing the Lord’s work. Well, there is no Lord. Whose work are they are they doing? Nature’s, I guess. They’re being woke, they’re doing political correctness, they’re tweeting and they’re saying all the right things, and here comes their idol telling them they ain’t doing nothing. “Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the word, wrong verb, or, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself. You ain’t doing nothing. That’s not activism.”

Oh, my goodness, folks. And I’m telling you I think — wild guess, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trying to send a message to his two daughters. Look. It’s a wild guess. But they are surrounded by that culture if they are at any university.

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