WHO Guidelines on How to Talk About the Coronavirus

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 3,2020

RUSH: Hey, folks, we have official guidelines now from the World Health Organization about how to talk about the coronavirus. You ready? Are you ready for your orders? Here are the commands from the World Health Organization.

You are permitted to talk about people acquiring or contracting the coronavirus. You are forbidden from talking about people transmitting it. You are not to use terminology like infecting others or spreading the virus. You know why? Because it implies intentional transmission and assigns blame, and you can’t do that. So you cannot talk about people transmitting it, you can’t talk about people infecting others, and you cannot talk about the spreading of virus because that’s discriminatory, it’s mean, and it’s assigning blame.

You can talk about people getting it. You can talk about people acquiring it. You can talk about people contracting it, as though they’re buying it. But you can’t talk about people spreading it. And you can’t talk about people infecting other people because that implies that they’re doing it on purpose. And aside from the ChiComs, we don’t think anybody is doing it on purpose. And there you have your typical, worthless, useless bureaucrat involvement in trying to, what? Stop help the spread of – I’m sorry, can’t say that. Can’t talk about the spread. That implies it’s happening on purpose. That’s the big contribution today from the World Health Organization.

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