
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: “The DNC and CNN collaborate to provide Joe Biden with his preferred comfort format for the next debate on March 15th…” This would be between Crazy Bernie and Biden. Apparently, CNN’s hosting the debate, and Biden has asked to be seated.

“DNC Says Joe Biden Needs Chair and Desk for Next Debate.” Crazy Bernie wants to stand up, and his campaign’s accusing Biden of wanting to sit down. The Politico says, “In the prior 10 debates, the candidates stood at lecterns and nearly all questions were asked by the professional moderators. … The new format would be a town hall-style production featuring audience questions but in a more intimate setting with the candidates in chairs behind desks…

“‘Joe Biden does not want to go head-to-head with Bernie Sanders, stand there for two hours, and go back and forth with Bernie Sanders,’ [John] Weaver said,” one of Bernie’s aides. “‘He wants it broken up with audience questions because he knows in that environment, he won’t fare very well.'” Biden knows he’s not gonna do well with audience questions. Well, why would they think that?

Does anybody believe these are gonna be legitimate audience members with legitimate questions? These questions are all gonna be plants. Who are we talking about here? We’re talking about CNN, for crying out loud. This is gonna be a staged thing. We know Donna Brazile used to run the questions by Hillary Clinton in advance when she worked at CNN. We know that the Biden campaign’s gonna be given advance copies of everything. We just know.

This is the way it happens!

Biden is all-in now. The Washington Democrat establishment has chosen Biden, and whatever it takes — and we know this is gonna be the case. With Biden now demanding table and chairs…

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