More Thoughts on The Breakfast Club Interview

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 2,2020

RUSH: Andrew in Clearwater, Florida. I’m so glad that you had time to wait. Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Hey, how you doing, Rush? I was just calling to get some thoughts on your chat with Charlamagne the Great, and I think that you have a real chance to actually make some substantive progress on race relations in general because I think a lot of this whole white supremacy is manufactured by the media. I think it’s continually pushed by the media. I’ve honestly never met a white supremacist. I’ve never met racist people. I think you have a chance with Charlamagne tha God to go around the media and get straight to the consumer. You guys both have a huge audience. And I think that it’s easy to blame something such as something that really is tough to pin down on what it actually is —

RUSH: We had some people call yesterday, Andrew, that told me they heard the conversation I had had with The Breakfast Club people, and they said, “You misunderstood. You didn’t hear ’em when they were talking about white supremacy.” And maybe not. Like you, you say you don’t know one, you’ve never met one. I’m a literalist, I’m the mayor of Realville. White supremacy to me means somebody, a white person who thinks that they’re better, that they’re superior, that the white race is superior based on DNA, based on science.

I think that’s crazy. I don’t know anybody who thinks that. I’ve never met anybody who thinks that one race is superior. I know they’re out there, but they’re kook fringe lunatics. They’re not mainstream at all. And for the mainstream media to try to claim that white supremacy is the current mind-set of the white population of the country is dangerous, it’s destructive, but more than that, it’s just not true.

CALLER: I think also, you know, it’s not as white supremacist as you think it may be or some people may think it may be or the media wants us to believe it is. I mean, if you look black culture dominates American society. I mean, you have black athletes that everyone looks up to, a black president, black music. It’s not systemic racism, but I think that’s an easy way to the media —

RUSH: Well, you know, speaking of that, can I ask, where are Oprah and Obama in all this? I mean, if the desire is to quell the violence and to get it to shut down, and there are people in the African-American community who are looked up to and admired and could maybe help stop, where are they? I mean, because you’re right. African-American culture has become highly dominant, and it’s not new. It has been dominate in pop culture for a long time.


This is Sherry in Ocala, Florida. Great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. Yes, Sherry from Ocala. You were talking about yesterday with Charlamagne tha God about white privilege and white supremacy. I don’t understand that, considering my son is a white male trying to apply for med school. But all of his grades, his GPA has to be tremendously higher, he has to have large point differences in his MCATs and of all the other things compared to the minorities. How is that white privilege?

RUSH: Yeah, I know. But they’ll have an answer for it just as they have an answer for what white supremacy is. I think, Sherry, that white supremacy is another name for hate. And it’s an umbrella under which a number of guilty traits that are alleged to part of being white fall. And so it’s kind of a trap that you can’t get out. White privilege — you know, I think about this all the time.

I mean, the idea that whites have a built-in advantage over — I don’t know. It depends. I mean, there’s a lot of places — well, I don’t know how to quite put this. I don’t know how to put this without raising curiosity beyond the point where I want people to be curious about what I mean. It’s just I think it’s a catch-all. White supremacy and white privilege is a catch-all for the way the country was designed.

It’s a way of saying that America as constituted will never be fair, will never be not racist. It’s a way of laying the groundwork for getting rid of the Constitution and transforming the country, starting over into something it was never intended to be. That’s really what the ultimate purpose of all of these terms is, I believe. I’m glad you called. I wish I had more time on this, and I do, but tomorrow.

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