Not So Woke Joe on the Confederate Flag and the Crime Bill

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 16,2020

RUSH: You say that there is…? (interruption) You’ve seen it or you’ve heard it? You heard the…? (interruption) You have seen and heard Joe Biden…? (interruption) When? (interruption) Okay, what…? (interruption) So this is in the nineties, the Clinton crime bill, or was it long ago before this? (interruption) Okay.

So during the Clinton crime bill Biden’s introducing it on the Senate floor and he actually said that after this bill is signed into law, people are gonna hang for jaywalking? (interruption) (paraphrased) “This bill is so tough people will hang for jaywalking,” Joe Biden. Well, we’ll try to find it. I may have it on the roster here. (interruption) We do have…

Here. Grab sound bite number 2. This is Bite Me from the 1993 Senate confirmation hearing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg talking about the Confederacy. Here. Listen to this…

BIDEN: The senator made a very moving and eloquent speech as a Son of the Confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change and yield to a position that Senator Carol Moseley Braun raised on the floor of the Senate not granting a federal charter to a (sic) organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag.

RUSH: Wait. Wait. What? Biden’s out there talking about there are “many fine people who … display the Confederate flag”?


RUSH: Okay. We’ve got the Biden jaywalking, hang-you-from-a-tree bite. I want to set it up by going back to… That bite is from 1992 in May. I want to go to 1993 first, July 23rd, on Capitol Hill, Senate confirmation hearing for Ruth “Buzzi” Ginsburg. Joe Biden — senator, Delaware — talking about a speech made on the Senate floor by Senator Howell Heflin.

A Democrat from Alabama, who was speaking in support of an effort to deny renewal of a Confederate flag design patent to the United Daughters of the Confederacy. So Biden, speaking about a speech made by Howell Heflin, who was supporting an effort to deny the renewal of a Confederate flag design patent, and Biden didn’t like that. So here’s what Plugs had to say…

BIDEN: The senator made a very moving and eloquent speech as a Son of the Confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change and yield to a position that Senator Carol Moseley Braun raised on the floor of the Senate not granting a federal charter to a organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag.

RUSH: Okay. So here’s Biden: A lot of “fine people … display the Confederate flag.” So there’s Trump in Charlottesville, and he didn’t even say that! He didn’t even say there are a bunch of fine people flying the Confederate flag. It was appropriated to him, but he never said it. Just like Black Lives Matter and “hands up, don’t shoot,” that never happened.

And neither did Trump say that there’s a bunch of fine people among these Nazis and these skinheads and these southern slave-owners. A bunch of fine people, “fine people on both sides.” He was not talking about these people.

So here’s Plugs saying the same thing. Yawn. No big deal. I know. I know. Hypocrisy never attaches to these people until something comes along and forces them to deal with it. Here’s Plugs from a year prior, May 14th, 1992, on the Senate floor during debate on the crime bill of 1992.

BIDEN: Let me tell you what is in the bill, and I’ll let you all decide whether or not this is weak. Let me get down here a compendium of the things that are in the bill. One: The death penalty. It provides 53 death penalty offices. Weak as can be, y’know? We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill.

RUSH: He’s bragging, bragging about it. “We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill.” A lot of you people who were not alive in ’92 or not old enough, this was the Clinton administration. This was the era of midnight basketball. There was so much crime in the African-American community, so much crime in poor neighborhoods that Clinton and his gang came along and they had to say they were gonna do something about it.

So we had the era of 100,000 new cops and all this stuff ’cause these guys as a bunch of progressive left wingers were always seen as soft on crime. So they come out and be seen as hard on crime, which leads Biden to start bragging about, “We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill.”

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