You Were Warned About Multiculturalism Way Back in 1992

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 31,2020

RUSH: We have, folks, a couple of more sound bites from the anniversary portion of the program today. And I mentioned these in the previous hour, how prescient I was. You talk about the cutting edge of societal evolution? These bites are both from September 16, 1992 when I did my guest appearance on Firing Line hosted by William F. Buckley Jr, and two bites. Here’s the first.

RUSH ARCHIVE: This cockamamie idea now that we’ve got to get rid of surnames of sports teams because they somehow all of a sudden, after all these years, have become offensive.

BUCKLEY: Like chasing the Indians out of Dartmouth.

RUSH ARCHIVE: (chuckling) Yes. Yes. Or saying the Washington Redskins football team is offensive, and you’ve got to get rid of the term Redskins and so forth. All of a sudden, can’t do the tomahawk chop. Can’t do this as a fan (chopping) at an Atlanta Braves baseball game without supposedly offending Native Americans.

RUSH: 1992. How many of you young people think this is a brand-new thing that people are upset about? No, no, no. This is something, this has been brewing since the 1990s, even before that. And the thing to learn from this is that once the left gets on something, they don’t let it go — and it’s been a trademark. The left gets on something, and immediately it’s something (the odds are) we’re gonna oppose.

So we are immediately on defense. But you if we get tired, if we get worn out, and eventually stop talking about it, they’re gonna prevail and carry the day. And guess what? Because of the coronavirus, all of a sudden now all of these left-wing grievances — ’cause of George Floyd and because of all the riots and protests — everybody wants to appease the left.

Everybody wants to get them to stop burning down buildings and throwing Molotov cocktails. So, okay. “You want to get rid of Redskins? We’ll get rid of Redskins.” The thing nobody learns is that they’re never happy when they get what they want. They always want more, and there’s no end to this. So for those of you who think that the attack on the Washington Redskins as a racist, bigoted name is something new…

If you’re a young person, you think it’s something new and you’re making your bones on it and you’re really feeling good because you think it’s a rotten, racist thing, and you want to… It’s nothing new, and the thing you need to know is, they’ve changed the name. They’ve announced they’re gonna change the name. They don’t know what the new name is yet.

They’re calling themselves now the Washington Football Club. And even though we’ve gotten rid of the name Redskins, there’s nobody happy. They’re not even celebratory happy that they have won. But they certainly aren’t happy that the name Redskins is gone. I also warned everybody — September 16, 1992 — about multiculturalism, the reprogramming of American children. Here we go…

BUCKLEY: That is radical, isn’t it?

RUSH ARCHIVE: Yes! I mean, attempt to redefine Christopher Columbus as the reason for all evil in the Western world. And I — I always say to people — and that’s what multiculturalism’s all about, Bill, and I am troubled by these are American kids that are being reprogrammed. Stop and think of this. What is multiculturalism? It is teaching people that much they fled in order to come here to find prosperity, a better life, what have you. And I think multiculturalism is a tool of revenge used by those who fail.

BUCKLEY: It’s an invitation to retribalization.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Absolutely! Absolutely! And to try to convince kids as they’re growing up, they have no chance in this country. These are American kids, and they’re being educated in ways that are not gonna prepare them to access the opportunities that exist here.

RUSH: Buckley was so great. (impression) “It’s an invitation to retribalization.” I’m sitting there saying (chuckling), “‘Invitation to retribalization’?” It’s exactly right, and it’s another way of saying Balkanization. But he was just… He was one of the greatest people. I was so, so damn lucky to have been able to meet Mr. Buckley and end up having him be a friend.

So many funny, wonderful evenings spent at his maisonette at 73rd and Park Avenue. You know, a maisonette’s different than a condo, it’s different than an apartment, it’s different than a pied-a-terre. His was a maisonette. You know what a maisonette is? The first floor has entrances on two different streets. That’s a maisonette. There’s an aerie, a-e-r-i-e. That’s an aerie. An aerie is a really cheap studio that somebody of great fame lives in, so you call it an “aerie” to make it sound like it’s elite and expensive and so forth when it really isn’t.

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