Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Fire Everywhere

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 14,2020

RUSH: OK folks, you have to listen fast; I’ve got three news stories to run through.

First, AP reports that the West Coast fires, which have killed at least 35 people, have “raised the fight” over climate change right before Trump visits California.

Liberals, including the Democrat governors who run the fire-affected states, all say that global warming is making these fires burn faster and farther than any fires before. They’re trying to stick it to Trump for not going along with their global warming blame-game.

The second story, from the L.A. Times, is a warning. Scientists say 150 million dead trees that have not been cleared from the Sierra National Forest could set off massive fires like we haven’t seen since World War II. Each acre of dead trees holds about 200 tons of fuel. The scientists have been sounding the alarm about this problem for years.

Last story is from Fresno’s GV Wire service. The Sierra Club says thinning the forests doesn’t help. They say there’s too much fire suppression nowadays and that makes fires burn hotter and faster.

For decades, liberals have listened to environmentalist wackos like the Sierra Club, and left dead trees where they fall. We’re now seeing the result.

These fires have nothing to do with climate change. They have everything to do with liberal stupidity. In simply clearing the dead wood out of there, take the fuel away and you end the fire. They haven’t done it.

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