Black Trump Supporter Rips Biden’s Racist Agenda

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 28,2020

RUSH: Here’s Devon in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Great to have you on the program. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Mega dittos. Mega prayers to you, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you, Devon.

CALLER: Hey, I’m a black Trump supporter. I believe there’s more of us out there in the black community than they believe. But I just wanted to make two quick points here. I think Trump should hammer down how Joe Biden has kept the black community in poverty. And, two, when he told Charlamagne tha God, “You ain’t black” if you don’t vote for me, I think that’s very offensive and racist.

RUSH: You know something? I think you’re exactly right, especially — I’m glad you reminded me of this. That Biden has kept African-Americans in poverty is exactly right. African-Americans have been complaining to the Democrat Party about the same things for 50 years, while the Democrats have been promising to fix those things.

CALLER: That’s correct.

RUSH: And nothing ever gets fixed. Nothing ever gets improved.

CALLER: Nope. Nope. Not nothing. I mean, I follow people like Candace Owens and stuff that really wake you up and let you see the light of day. But his policies are horrible. They’ve kept us in poverty, lost all our jobs, messed up (unintelligible) our communities.

RUSH: There’s no question that all of that is true, and then they take you for granted when Election Day shows up. They just assume that you’re gonna be there, just like Biden said to my old buddy Charlamagne tha God. (summarized) “If you ain’t voting for me, you ain’t black.” Remember that, folks? “If you ain’t voting for me, you ain’t black.”

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