Young Woman Explains Why We’re Voting for Trump in Less Than a Minute

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 20,2020

RUSH: Now, grab audio sound bite number 2. This is great. I think this is a great reaction to this whole New Yorker story and Toobin and all that. Recently on YouTube, Turning Point USA Ambassador Alexandra Lains posted a video explaining why people are voting for President Trump. It’s just awesome. Here it is…

LAINS: If you’re a liberal and can’t stand Trump and can’t possibly fathom why anyone would want to vote for him, let me fill you in. We can’t stand you! You’ve done everything in your power to try and destroy this country by tearing down our police, our borders, our history — systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into thinking that socialism is the answer to everything.

Demonizing religion and faith. And glorifying abortion, violence, and thug culture. From calling us racists to expecting everyone of every color to follow our laws, to ridiculing us for having the audacity to wish someone a Merry Christmas, or have a flag on the Fourth of July or stand for our national anthem or — oh, the horror! — wear a MAGA hat out in public.

So much for your tolerance. We are voting for Trump not because he’s the most charming character on the block, but because we vote policy over personality. And we are sick and tired of your divisive and destructive and ignorant and intolerant behavior and beliefs, parading around as some kind of wokeness. We are voting for Trump because of you.

RUSH: There you have it. In less than one minute, this woman sums up why the left is so despised, why everybody has a problem with them. But it’s concise; it’s to the point. “The reason we are voting for Trump is we can’t stand you.” Meanwhile, they’re out there… They’re out there claiming that they’re trying to get everybody to vote against Trump because of his personality!

They’re actually running a campaign with a candidate who is putting forth not a single reason to vote for him. Joe Biden is not announcing an agenda. That’s why he doesn’t draw flies, doesn’t generate crowds. There’s no… Nobody knows — other than, you know, when Biden let slip — what his agenda is. But it’s not the kind of agenda that you go out and you attract a crowd with.

People don’t want the Biden agenda, which is why it’s pretty much silent. So they’re out there with Biden having no agenda that he’s willing to put his name to, trying to convince people to vote against Trump simply on the basis of his personality. We’re supposed to ignore Trump’s achievements. We’re supposed to ignore Trump’s accomplishments.

We’re supposed to ignore Trump’s love of country, love of the American people. We are to ignore Trump’s desire that this country become the great country it once was. We’re supposed to ignore that Trump wants that greatness because he loves the American people and wants everybody in this country to prosper. Yep! None of that matters.

We’re supposed to ignore all that. You’re not supposed to vote for that, because this guy has a rotten personality. The truth is they’re the ones burning down America. They’re the ones looting property that isn’t theirs. They are the ones that are destroying — purposefully — the elements of greatness in this country.

They are systematically going about trying to destroy the Constitution, the concepts of liberty and freedom that have provided the foundation for this country for over 210 years. At the end of the day, it is their personalities that repulse us and a lot of other people. It’s their personalities that we are voting against, not just their destructive policies.


RUSH: By popular demand I am being inundated with requests to replay the upcoming audio sound bite. This is a woman named Alexandra Lains or Lains. I’m not sure how she pronounces her last name. It’s L-a-i-n-s. (You’d think that would be “lanes,” but one never knows.) This was discovered recently on YouTube. She is an ambassador for Turning Point USA, which is a youth conservative organization.

(Candace Owens is out there, part of Turning Point USA.) And she has recorded a YouTube video designed to explain to the American left just why people like her are voting for Donald Trump, and the answer is that they’re voting for Donald Trump because the American left repulses them.

LAINS: If you’re a liberal and can’t stand Trump and can’t possibly fathom why anyone would want to vote for him, let me fill you in. We can’t stand you! You’ve done everything in your power to try and destroy this country by tearing down our police, our borders, our history — systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into thinking that socialism is the answer to everything.

Demonizing religion and faith. And glorifying abortion, violence, and thug culture. From calling us racists to expecting everyone of every color to follow our laws, to ridiculing us for having the audacity to wish someone a Merry Christmas, or have a flag on the Fourth of July or stand for our national anthem or — oh, the horror! — wear a MAGA hat out in public.

So much for your tolerance. We are voting for Trump not because he’s the most charming character on the block, but because we vote policy over personality. And we are sick and tired of your divisive and destructive and ignorant and intolerant behavior and beliefs, parading around as some kind of wokeness. We are voting for Trump because of you.

RUSH: Isn’t it funny? Because these are the people that are orchestrating the campaign, “Vote against Trump because of his personality! Vote Biden because Trump’s got a rotten personality! Vote Biden ’cause Trump’s a mean guy! Vote Biden because Trump is ill-mannered! Vote Biden because Trump is a bull in a china shop!

“Vote Biden because Trump can’t put two sentences together and sound like he knows what he’s talking about!” In fact, these people are essentially saying, “No, no. We’re voting for Trump because we can’t stand you! We can’t stand your personality. We can’t stand your phoniness. We can’t stand your arrogance and your condescension. We can’t stand how you think you’re better than everybody else.”

While you demand we shut up about Merry Christmas, the national anthem, how dare we wear a MAGA hat out in public? Screw you! Who do you think you are, able to dictate to us what we can think and what we can do? That’s the bottom line.