
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Speaking of values and everything, I want to play a little bit of Trump and his remarks before the swearing in of Amy Coney Barrett last night outside the White House. This is the first bite we have.

THE PRESIDENT: The march of liberty that began with the American Revolution continues onward this evening.

RUSH: It does.

THE PRESIDENT: Tonight at the White House we carry forward the cause of freedom, equality and justice for which so many generations of Americans have given so much.

RUSH: They have.

THE PRESIDENT: And we take special pride in the nation that inspires billions of people all over the world.

RUSH: We do.

THE PRESIDENT: We must never take this radiant inheritance for granted. We must never lose confidence in our history, our heritage, or in our heroes.

RUSH: And to do that, to never lose confidence in our history, our heritage, and our heroes, we cannot let the left win. It’s not just a matter of losing confidence in our history and our heritage and our heroes, they want to erase it all. And I’m not exaggerating. I’m not exaggerating an iota. They want to erase it all. They have said so. Here’s the next Trump sound bite from last night.

THE PRESIDENT: Justice Barrett, as you take your oath tonight, the legacy of our ancestors falls to you.

RUSH: It does.

THE PRESIDENT: The American people put their trust in you and their faith in you as you take up the task of defending our laws, our Constitution, and this country that we all love. We ask God to give you wisdom and courage. As long as we are loyal to our founding and to our fellow citizens, America’s future will be bright, America’s destiny will be great, and America’s people will forever and always be free.

RUSH: Right. As long as we are loyal to our founding and to our fellow citizens, America’s future will be bright, destiny will be great, and America’s people will forever and always be free. That’s really what’s at stake here. The American left, which has now co-opted and taken over the Democrat Party, folks, I cannot emphasize this enough, and I know probably to some of you it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it isn’t. They do not cherish anything about America and starting with the Constitution. They do not believe America is exceptional. They don’t believe it’s anything special.

They believe America is an accident. They believe America is unjust and immoral. They do not believe America is the answer to anything. They believe that it is the problem for most people in the world. It’s the reason for all inequality. America’s the reason for injustice. America’s the reason for racism and sexism and bigotry. They want to get their hands on it and erase it. And they’ve said so. They’ve made no bones about it. That’s the thing. I ask myself, do people not hear them when they say it?


RUSH: I say that we just declare Trump the winner and move on in preserving and defending America. Just be done with it, because that’s what’s going to happen anyway. Mark my words.

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