Pete Hegseth Hopes Joe Biden Fails

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 22,2020

RUSH: Pete Hegseth of Fox News, this is last Wednesday. He was on Hannity, and they were talking about what to expect from the incoming Biden regime, and this is what Pete said.

HEGSETH: When I look at a Biden information and the infighting of Ocasio-Cortez and all of that, our dear friend Rush Limbaugh — who is in our thoughts and prayers right now — wrote an op-ed about the Obama administration in 2009 for USA Today. He was supposed to write 200 words and instead he wrote four words: “I hope he fails.” And ultimately because Joe Biden is the Trojan horse for the left, I hope he fails. I hope he’s mired in that infighting that Ocasio-Cortez is going to bring, incapable of delivering for the left, incapable of finding the false unity he claims he’s going to bring after what he’s done to Trump supporters.

RUSH: That’s Pete Hegseth. He was on Hannity last Wednesday night. If I’m not mistaken, I think it was the Wall Street Journal that asked me to write 400 words. They reached out to a number of opinion and media titans — well, media leaders and one titan; that was me — and they asked for 400 words on the incoming Obama presidency.

As though we were all enamored, as though all of us were simply overwhelmed with emotion and in disbelief we had finally elected an African-American as president. We’re gonna rip that racist monkey right off our backs! We’re gonna get rid of it, and they wanted to know how these media big shots and titan were reacting to it.

And I said on the radio and I responded to ’em in writing too. “I don’t need 400 words. I could do it in four: ‘I hope he fails.'” So Pete has decided to repeat that with Biden and say the exact same thing. We’ll see if there is a similar reaction to Pete Hegseth saying it about Biden as there was to me saying it about Obama.

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