Memorable EIB Sound Bite: Unintelligible Ted Kennedy

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 4,2021

KEN: This is one of my favorite (laughing), and I laugh because we transition from that into how Rush would poke fun at some of our favorites. Listen to this.

RUSH: October 20th, 1994, in Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy on the campaign trail with former President Bill Clinton.

TED KENNEDY: Is this Clinton country? Garahham! (unintelligible vocalizations) And after we all do what needs to be done for the next two and a half weeks, and we elect Mark Roosevelt as our governor, and you reelect … (cheers and applause) And you reelect old Kennedy in the United States Senate, we’re going to start on the ’96 campaign to elect Bill Clinton, and to reelect him on the muh mahmana mah man (unintelligible)!

RUSH: So you see, we’ve played this over the course of many months, years, and people take stabs and wild guesses at what the senator (may he rest in peace) was saying, and he wasn’t saying anything. There were no words here to translate. Play it again, Mike. We can squeeze him in here before we have to go to the break again.

TED KENNEDY: Is this Clinton country? Garahham! (unintelligible muttering)

RUSH: And after!

TED KENNEDY: And after we all do what needs to be done for the next two and a half weeks, and we elect Mark Roosevelt as our governor, and you reelect … (cheers and applause) And you reelect old Kennedy in the United States Senate, we’re going to start on the ’96 campaign to elect Bill Clinton, and to reelect him on the muh mahmana mah man (unintelligible)!

RUSH: Senator Kennedy, October 20th, 1994, with his own rant.

KEN: Wow. And here we are with Joe Biden, who’s given the late Mr. Kennedy a run for his money.

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