Does Rush Know Libs? Minneapolis Riots as Marxist BLM Babe Buys Million-Dollar Mansions

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 12,2021

JASON: Hey, hey, greetings, music lovers, thrill-seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. It is time again to honor our favorite anchorman, America’s Real Anchorman, remembering Rush on the Rush Limbaugh program. I am Jason “Infrastructure” Lewis. You know, I’m talking to my good buddy from high school last night, and I said, ‘Hey, Infrastructure!”

Then I’m watching the Masters. Did you see where the infrastructure won the Masters? And my long lost relative, Infrastructure, called me the other day and just said, “You gotta watch the Yellowstone series. It’s just great.” I’m telling you, infrastructure is everywhere — and why in the hell not? It’s anything you want it to be if you are a Democrat.

It’s day care. It’s mass transit. It’s child care. You name it! Just ask Kirsten Gillibrand. Just ask the energy secretary. We’re gonna talk about this, because the gaslighting now is moving towards fiscal policy, my friends. And the fiscal policy ruse is, first it was a stimulus, and we have now spent two to three times more on covid stimulus bills, $5.7 trillion worth — more than the entire federal budget, when I was in Congress.

We spent more on those than any other country. Now we’re moving on to infrastructure, which means anything except infrastructure. It means day care, but it doesn’t mean the Keystone XL pipeline, or the Enbridge pipeline here in Minnesota. Doesn’t mean that. Doesn’t mean highways. It means mass transit. It means all of the things that Democrats want it to mean.

These people will lie about anything, and in Minneapolis today, the governor is at it again. The Democrats are at it again. BLM is at it again. You know, it’s almost impossible to tell listeners of EIB what it’s like to live in a place like Minneapolis-St. Paul — unless, of course, you’re living in Seattle or Portland or New York. You know exactly what it’s like.

There is no… I don’t want to be too hyperbolic about this. There is an assault on law and order while the law-abiding are locked down. It is the most perverse scenario you could possibly imagine in this country. These Marxists — and let’s be honest. BLM is a Marxist group.

It wasn’t that many years ago — I think 2014 — when they were at the state fair in St. Paul saying, you know, “Pigs in a blanket! Fry ’em like bacon.” They were after the police then, long before George Floyd. So now we’re in the midst of a very, very tense trial in Minneapolis, where the prosecution is saying the knee restraint by the police officer killed George Floyd.

And defense (who is yet to call their witnesses) is saying, “No, no, no, no! Here’s a guy who was on drugs. He had high blood pressure, had heart problems, and a neck restraint, for instance, on a healthy person wouldn’t have been fatal.” We’ll see how that plays out in that respect. But that is the point of the criminal justice system, to wait and see how it plays out.

There is no wheels of justice moving slowly in Minneapolis-St. Paul, in Portland and Seattle. It is mob rule. The wheels of justice were actually moving quite rapidly. The Hennepin County attorney filed the charges — the quickest in history — after the George Floyd event. Quickest ever. The attorney general, Keith Ellison, the predecessor to Ilhan Omar, is now taking over the prosecution.

And Al Sharpton and the Floyd family and everybody under the sun is warning the judge and the jury in so many public statements, “You’d better get a conviction! You know what’s gonna happen if you don’t? The same thing that happened last night in Brooklyn Center.” Brooklyn Center is the town just adjacent to Minneapolis about 10 miles from where the tragedy of George Floyd occurred — and last night, there was a riot.

Last night, a police officer in Brooklyn Center had stopped a car. I guess it was yesterday afternoon. The driver had an outstanding warrant — apparently, a suspected gang member, although we’ll see how it plays out. They had an outstanding warrant. They tried to arrest him, but the driver resisted apparently and drove away.

He reentered the vehicle and drove away, prompting the officer to fire at the vehicle, striking the driver, killing the driver. What ensued in Brooklyn Center, a suburb of Saint… It’s not even a suburb. It’s really part of the Minneapolis area. What happened was not a peaceful gathering. What happened was not a curfew. What happened was not a protest. It was a riot.

A Walmart store was rooted. Looters spilled over into North and South Minneapolis. A police headquarters in the neighboring city of Brooklyn Park was, quote-unquote, “shot up” around 8 p.m., “multiple rounds fired through the building’s glass,” according to the AP report. Protesters, rioters, looters, were jumping on police cars, confronting officers, rocks and objects thrown.

Twenty businesses. Here we go again. Remember the riots of 2020? Twenty-five people lost their lives in toto nationwide, 750 law enforcement officers were injured, citizens dragged from their cars. We’re talking about in Minneapolis alone in the Twin Cities, $500 million worth of damage to 1,500 buildings. They turned the AutoZone into a war zone, and it happened throughout the country.

What happened then? At the time, my Senate opponent Tina Smith encouraged the rioting by saying, “We’ve got to examine the dangerous role police play. We need more righteous protests.” What happened last night? The most… How shall I put this diplomatically? The most… I served with this guy in Congress when I was in the 115th.

Tim Walz, who is now the governor of Minnesota, was there as well. Tim’s a charlatan. Tim pretends to be the everyman, but he refers to rural Minnesota as “rocks and cows people.” After the tense situation of the trial that’s on going, what does Governor Tim Walz tweet this morning in the wake of the riots last night?

His wife… I shouldn’t say… Not his wife, but the governor tweeted, “Gwen and I are praying for the victim’s family as our state mourns another life of a black man taken by law enforcement,” quote, unquote. Well, that’s encouraging if you’re a cop, right? “Another life of a black man taken by law enforcement.” That is about as irresponsible as you can get.

Why don’t you, Governor, wait and see what the facts on the ground are before you start fueling the flames? These people will do anything to intimidate the other side. Now they’re trying to intimidate the Supreme Court. We’ll get to that a little later in the program. This group started this intimidation tactic back in 2016 and ’17.

Now it’s BLM, and don’t you think Rush was all over this? It wasn’t that long ago.

RUSH: This is from the New York Post: “Occupy Wall Street’s Finance Committee has nearly $500,000 in the bank, and donations continue to pour in — but its reluctance to share the wealth with other protesters is fraying tempers.” Yes, my friends, they’ve got a stash! They got 500 grand, but they’re not redistributing the money to all the protesters.

That’s right, the top 1% of the protesters have the money, and you know what they did with it? They put it in a bank. (Gasp!) They put it in a bank. Banks are what they are protesting. In fact, I’ll bet it’s even collecting interest in the bank. So with a half million dollars in the bank, isn’t Occupy Wall Street part of the 1% now?

Yeah. “Some drummers — incensed they got no money to replace or safeguard their drums after a midnight vandal destroyed their instruments Wednesday — are threatening to splinter off.” Are these people playing that Todd Rundgren song? “I don’t want to work. I just want to bang on the drum all day”?

That used to be a theme song for the Green Bay Packers. When the Green Bay Packers score a touchdown two or three years ago, and that’s what they played (singing), “I don’t want to work. I just want to bang on the drum all day.” Well, I know, probably residents went down there and vandalized the drums because they’re playing all night and keeping people awake.

One of the Occupy Wall Streeters said, “‘F–k Finance. I hope Mayor Bloomberg gets an injunction and demands to see the movement’s books. We need to know how much money we really have and where it’s going,’ said a frustrated Bryan Smith, 45, who joined OWS in Lower Manhattan nearly three weeks ago from Los Angeles, where he works in TV production.”

So it’s hilarious. The things they are protesting are now happening within their own group. They got 500 grand and it’s not being distributed. It’s not being divvied up equally among all the protesters. The organizers have put it in the bank. This is the most fun and most telling article from over the weekend on this children’s crusade known as Occupy Wall Street.

They’re putting their money in an evil bank, probably collecting interest. And with more than a half million dollars in the bank, aren’t they now part of the evil 1%? Yeah, wait ’til they have to pay taxes on this. I’d like to see ’em open their books, too, you know, along with their protesters who are unhappy. Like, who is going to pay the IRS the taxes on these $500,000 donations?

And note, ladies and gentlemen, how these people could afford to buy their own underwear. Yeah. They’d rather beg on the street for new underwear than get a job, but they’ve got 500 grand. They could go out and buy their own sleeping bags now! They wouldn’t have to make them. (interruption) I don’t know how they’ve… No, you wouldn’t necessarily have to file as a corporation. You could file as a nonprofit. You could file just as an individual.

It might have been one guy who went down there and opened an account or they could have a tax ID. They could go sub-S, they could go C Corp, they could go nonprofit. We don’t know how they’ve organized themselves. But I’ll lay you ten to one they’ve organized themselves in such a way as to have to pay as little in taxes as possible. You want to bet on that?

You want to bet these people are not lining up and signing up for the 35% bracket? No, these people are gonna be part of the same crowd not paying their fair share. What they did… They had the 500 grand; they have splurged. The story in the New York Post points out that they’ve splurged, they bought a flat screen TV and popcorn for their pajama party movie nights. They didn’t knit their own flat screen TV. They bought it from a corporation.

They bought it from a store, which sells the TV, the store bought it from the corporation that makes the TV, and now they’re gonna show movies from corporations on the flat screen TV that was made by a corporation and sold by another corporation. Maybe they’re just gonna play Michael Moore anti-capitalism documentaries or something.

But the funny thing here is they’re squabbling now over money that was given to them. There’s vandalism taking place. Their drums have been destroyed. And of course, they’re whining and crying and they want everybody else to do something for them. They’re squabbling over money that was given to them. Imagine how angry they would be if they had worked for this money.

JASON: Well, Rush, we know what they would do. Well, not if they had worked for the money, but we know what the BLM cofounder is doing this very moment. Buying up real estate in Malibu and perhaps the Bahamas! Did you hear about that?

“Black Lives Matter cofounder is buying up million-dollar homes.” That’s what those finances do when they’re not vetted.

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