
Rush Limbaugh

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BRETT: Snerdley is a household name around here. Rush spoke his name more than anyone, speaking to him on the other side of the studio glass here at the EIB Network. James Golden is his real name and he’s got a remarkable story to share with you in the form of a forthcoming podcast series. Here he is with the details.

JAMES: Thank you, Brett. You know, Rush did call me “Snerdley” on the air all those years, yep, when we were together. Off the air, though, I was James; he was Rush. What he accomplished — both on and off the air — is nothing short of remarkable. I’m hosting a new podcast, Rush Limbaugh: The Man Behind the Golden EIB Microphone, debuting Wednesday, May 12th, that tells the story.

Hear the side of Rush that many of us saw when the microphone was off. Inspiring, uplifting, revealing, caring. You’ll find this podcast on iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast. It’s presented by the Tunnel to Towers Foundation and MyPillow.




BRETT: And we are all stoked to hear this podcast and get those behind-the-scenes insights.

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