Biden Reverses Trump’s Successful Border Strategy

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 2,2021

TODD: Politicians love to make things super complicated. “Well, immigration, there’s lots of nuance to this. We have international treaties, and we want to be taken seriously in the international community, and we must have respect from the U.N. and others, and so we need to act in regard to this and there’s this compassion and people just…”

Okay, great. Let’s simplify.

We’re 5% of the world’s population, we’ve taken in 20% of the world’s displaced peoples, we provide more official and unofficial aid even on an income-adjusted per capita basis than any nation on earth, and the people who run Joe Biden have canceled Trump’s stay-in-Mexico plan. So question.

Let’s simplify. There’s a lifeboat in the world, the United States. Made a lifeboat because of our system. Small government, big people. Pursuit of happiness, life, liberty, and. Right? Voluntary exchange of goods and services. Rules are applied as equally as possible knowing that we’re flawed human beings. For those reasons people have flocked her.

The left: “Let’s make sure that the rules are applied unequally. Let’s make sure that people fight amongst themselves with race.” The left: “Let’s make sure that we take the world’s lifeboat and flood it with people.” Question: “How many people does it take to flood a lifeboat to the point where it’s no longer a lifeboat but instead an anchor?”

That’s not an accusation against the people who want to come here. Folks understand why they want to do that. It’s an accusation against the people who are enabling it. And, look. Rush talked about how the Remain-in-Mexico program was taking the place of catch-and-release, and now Biden’s handlers reversing that back to what it was under Obama.

RUSH: Immigration. Have you wondered what became of the caravans? There was a period of time last year where you couldn’t open a newspaper, turn on cable news without hearing about all these gigantic caravans, massive numbers of Central American people fleeing their native countries trying to get into the United States. The Democrats were out there showing pictures supposedly of Trump putting kids in cages. The pictures were actually from 2014 during the Obama administration.

There are massive things that have already taken place in immigration. Nobody knows about it because they’re not being reported on. It’s ultimately going to be the job of the Trump administration or campaign to publicize these things. But let me just give you an example.

Do you know that catch-and-release has ended? You didn’t know that. There is no more catch-and-release. This was an Obama administration and many administrations prior to was a favorite, catch-and-release was tantamount to admitting we can’t control it. Okay. So they get in illegally and we’ll catch ’em and then we’ll just release ’em. And we’ve obeyed the law. We have caught people, but we haven’t deported ’em.

Catch-and-release, you know what’s happening? In the old days catch-and-release would result in the people being caught being released into the interior of the country to get lost, to then take up residence in the, quote, unquote, shadows and to be part of this mysterious numbers of millions supposedly someday seeking amnesty. Well, those people are not being released anymore because there is no more catch-and-release. And it’s widely known.

One of the reasons there is not this everyday, gigantic mass of humanity at the border is because they know getting in does not automatically mean they’re gonna be released to get lost. The numbers of illegal immigrants getting into the country is way down, and it’s happened without a wall, without a physical wall. The president has also succeeded in negotiating new deals with Mexico and the Central American countries where they have pledged to help stop illegal immigration. Have you heard of it?

There’s a program called Remain in Mexico. Know what it is? It means anybody from Central America, El Salvador, Guatemala, traveling through Mexico to get here stays in Mexico. Mexico is no longer sending them north without obstruction. And this program, the Remain in Mexico program, has sent 60,000 illegal aliens back to Mexico where they are awaiting immigration hearings, not here in the United States.

Now, this is big. And it has been happening for a while. It doesn’t get reported, obviously. It’s happening in a sense under the radar, even though it’s not — I know about it — it’s not happening under the radar. Mexico, you could say, they’re doing more to solve illegal immigration finally than Congress is. And you haven’t heard a word about it. The president’s having successes like these in an election year, and you’re going to be hearing about this as the days and weeks, months unfurl.

TODD: And it’s being reversed, and the crowds are back. Of course they are, because everybody thinks there’s room for them in the lifeboat, right? And this is having a direct, trackable results.

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