Rush’s Morning Update: (R)nold Tax Breaks
May 19, 2008
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What have we here, folks? The esteemed governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is pleading with his liberal-dominated legislature to cut Hollywood a few breaks. It seems that business is bad! During the first quarter this year, feature film, TV, and commercial productions are down 23% from last year — and the downturn in the Land of Make-Believe comes while the state is facing yet another massive budget deficit. It could reach as high as $20 billion.
Walt Disney’s recent decision to move the production of the show Ugly Betty to New York, put things in sharp focus for the governor. He said, “I have been trying for four years, since I’ve gotten to Sacramento, to convince our lawmakers here that it’s extremely important to give tax incentives to Hollywood.”
Well, the problem according to Arnold is productions are fleeing left and right. Maybe I should say, “Right and right.” They’re not only moving to New York, but they’re also going to Florida, Louisiana, and New Mexico — among the states offering tax breaks to Hollywood types.
Governor Schwarzenegger can plead all he wants. Tax breaks just aren’t part of the liberal script, especially when California liberals spend revenue on their real priorities like the global warming hoax, and insuring that the benefit package for “illegal guests” is fully funded.
So what’s the end result? Tens of thousands of jobs once in California are now terminated — and they won’t “be back.”
Jobless in La La Land! That’s the perfect liberal sequel, if there ever was one.
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