Thursday Quotes: A True Conservative

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“How many times have you sat here and heard me define liberalism as clearly and as explicitly as it can be? They hate the country.”

“We came dangerously close today to having the Second Amendment wiped out. Four liberal justices on the US Supreme Court essentially voted to throw the Second Amendment out.”

“The idea that four justices of the United States Supreme Court disagreed with the concept that the Second Amendment is an individual right ought to be a wake-up call for everybody as to where we’re headed if liberals get mass control of all three branches of our government.”

“A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth. We’re not even close. We haven’t even had one quarter of that. No recession.”

“Polls right now are absolutely meaningless. I don’t care whose they are.”

“Scalia is a brilliant man. The first half of his opinion deconstructs the entire Second Amendment in the most logical, unassailable manner I have ever seen, using footnotes way back to the founding.”

“The Supreme Court, by virtue of its own usurpation of powers, by virtue of liberal justices being on this court for years and years and years has taken over the role of arbiter of political decisions in this country, not judicial.”

“I don’t care how convoluted a way that you read the Second Amendment, there is nothing in it to indicate that the Framers intended to grant the federal government, elected officials, the right to police people. The Bill of Rights limited government, for crying out loud.”

“The Bill of Rights told us what our freedoms and rights were, and where they came from, and they came from God, baby. They were not enumerated by man. They were not enumerated by government.”

“When you learn that Americans are only going to increase spending on their pets by 5%, up to $43.6 billion this year, then you know America is hurting.”