Thursday Quotes: Your Guiding Light

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Barack Obama believes in policies that will return the nation’s wealth to its (quote, unquote) ‘rightful owners.'”

“The banking system needs some serious help, and while all this is going on, the White House has its chief of staff playing manipulative games with washed up talking heads targeting me on the taxpayer dime.”

“Hugo Chavez looks at us and says, ‘Wow! I can’t believe this! This is cool, what’s happening to the United States! They’re following in my footsteps!'”

“Presidents are not elected to remake the United States or its Constitution; they swear an oath to defend it and to protect it. However, Obama has already forgotten that.”

“There is no such thing as a profit-to-earnings ratio. It’s price-to-earnings ratio. Now, I don’t know if that was a rhetorical mistake of Obama’s or if he really doesn’t know. I mean, he’s admitted he doesn’t know much about the stock market. Why would he? It’s a citadel of capitalism.”

“Port St. Lucie, Florida: Rio Linda east. Well, if you go to McDonald’s there and they don’t have any Chicken McNuggets, you can call 911.”

“So Obama says he wants you to know he ‘hasn’t forgotten you’. Now, that, to me, is quite telling. That means that, in his mind, he is the savior. It also means that, in his mind, he believes that most Americans think he’s the savior. It’s very creepy.”

“We know who Obama’s friends and associates and mentors were, the people that influenced him. So given that, what made anybody think he was going to change?”

“Paul Begala said, ‘We admit a lot fewer people have heard of Reverend Wright than Rush Limbaugh.’ I wonder why that is? Could it be because the Drive-By Media — the butt boy media — just swept aside any reference?”

“Okay, you want the ‘political solution’ for today? Here it is, March the 5th, 2009: ‘Get the government out of everybody’s life.'”