RUSH: How about this ad? Here we are in the midst of the War on Women, right, the Republicans hate women, guilty of all this misogyny, want to deny women all kinds of fun in life. We got a 26-year-old television star, female, in an ad basically saying if you’re gonna lose your virginity and vote at the same time, it’s gotta be for the right guy. Vote for Obama, just like having sex with Obama. You gotta choose the right guy.
You haven’t heard about this ad? Snerdley, what have you been doing? You haven’t heard about this? The regime is running an ad. It’s a 60-second ad, a 26-year-old Lena what’s-her-name. I’ve got it here. She’s a star of some TV series out there, big show and she is suggesting to women that just like when you lose your virginity, when you vote for the first time it’s gotta be with the right guy. I’m dead serious. It’s the height of insult, but it also indicates the wide cultural divide that exists. In the ad she talks about what’s cool and isn’t cool, voting for Obama, having sex — she doesn’t say having sex with Obama, but losing your virginity with the right guy, that’s cool. Romney’s not cool.
It’s a last-minute ditch and appeal for young voters and the ad’s called Losing It. And that ad, Losing It, shows everybody Obama is losing it. It is the height of desperation.
RUSH: In the meantime, as promised here is the Lena Dunham ad that is on Obama’s website.
DUNHAM: Your first time shouldnÂ’t be with just anybody. You want to do it with a great guy. It should be with a guy with beautiful … someone who really cares about and understands women. Think about how you want to spend those four years. In college age time, thatÂ’s 150 years. ItÂ’s super uncool to be out and about and someone says, “Did you vote?” and you, “No, I didnÂ’t, I wasnÂ’t ready.” My first time voting was amazing. It was this line in the sand. Before I was a girl. Now I was a woman. I went to the polling station and pulled back the curtain. I voted for Barack Obama.
RUSH: So they’re trying to make the connection to losing your virginity, gotta be with the right guy, and your first vote has got to be with the right guy. Now, this is actually a rip-off of a Vladimir Putin ad earlier this year. Putin ran an ad like this. Lena Dunham is 26 years old, and how long ago would you have to go, how far back to imagine an ad like this that would totally embarrass the candidate for whom it was run? In this case this is the Obama campaign running the ad for itself.
No, there’s no way Obama will play this ad for his two daughters. There’s no way. Because they’re nowhere near voting. They’re not nearly old enough to vote yet. But he also wouldn’t play it for them because I guarantee you, this is the kind of stuff that’s fine for your kids to be exposed to, but not his kids. And you would be the same thing way. But I just find it fascinating that you wouldn’t have to go back at all in American history to find the time where any candidate, particularly a president candidate, including an incumbent, running this ad, it would embarrass them out of the race. The humiliation, the catcalls of disgust, and my thinking on this really is — for example, The Politico has a story. You know what the story on this ad is? Headline, I have to paraphrase it, but the reaction is “conservative blogs outraged over new Obama vote ad.” And that’s the illustration of the cultural divide.
That ad is cool. Lena Dunham is cool. What she stands for is cool. Obama’s cool. Anybody who doesn’t see how cool this is is a nerd and is uncool, and in the pop culture, that’s the political divide, what’s hip and what’s not, what’s cool and what’s not. And the pleasure that the libs get from running this ad is to see all of the anger expressed by conservatives. But the bottom line is, this is the kind of thing that you do in desperation when you don’t have an agenda, when you don’t have anything positive to say about yourself. This is exploitative, and don’t doubt me on this, this ad is not gonna help Barack Obama at all with people he doesn’t already have supporting him.
RUSH: I want to go back to the Lena Dunham ad. We kind of squeezed this in at a haphazard moment on the program today. This is on Obama’s website. This is a 26-year-old actress seeking young votes for Obama, and she’s asking young women to think of voting for Obama to be like losing your virginity. You want to do it with the right guy.
DUNHAM: Your first time shouldnÂ’t be with just anybody. You want to do it with a great guy. It should be with a guy with beautiful … someone who really cares about and understands women. Think about how you want to spend those four years. In college age time, thatÂ’s 150 years. ItÂ’s super uncool to be out and about and someone says, “Did you vote?” and you, “No, I didnÂ’t, I wasnÂ’t ready.” My first time voting was amazing. It was this line in the sand. Before I was a girl. Now I was a woman. I went to the polling station and pulled back the curtain. I voted for Barack Obama.
RUSH: This administration continues to plunge the depths. There is no depth too low they won’t go. It’s all desperation. There’s no agenda. There is no coordinated effort. It’s just throwing things up against the wall and hoping something sticks. Stanley Kurtz at National Review Online has a piece on this: “Campaign Ads for Women: How Far WeÂ’ve Fallen — To show how this is done right, here are a couple of campaign ads in support of an incumbent president, each directed toward women. First, Eisenhower in 1956,” and he links to that ad. Then he cites a couple of others that are classy ads aimed at the female vote. Then he talks about this ad that you just heard.
“Lena DunhamÂ’s ad comes from a different world. ItÂ’s a world in which young unmarried women, who expect to stay that way for quite some time, have become a core constituency of the Democratic Party.” And remember that animated cartoon with Julia, the ideal Democrat woman, cradle to grave, everything she does is because of and with government. Government is the reason she’s born. Government’s the reason that she has a garden. Government’s the reason she got educated. Government is the reason she had health care. Government’s the reason for everything. And they were proud of it.
That was a campaign ad that was aimed at securing women who want to turn their lives over to government, single women, perpetually single women who still want to have a kid, but they don’t want to be burdened with some lousy husband in the process. Government will take care of that. Government will make sure that you get the kid, and government will give you benefits so that you can raise you the kid. You don’t need to find some lout to marry or live with. That was the sum total of the Julia ad. So they’re on record — this Kurtz’s point — they’re on record here as appealing to that kind of woman. He points out: “Here, cultural issues are paramount, and the goal is to come off as cool. You do that by flouting convention, which labels the outraged as hopelessly uncool.”
Part of the fun for them in doing this ad was to see all of you get outraged and angry and offended. That’s fun, that’s cool, ’cause you people aren’t hip, you don’t get it. They are hip. They are cool. Obama’s cool. Obama’s hip. Obama laughs at you along with them. “Not voting for Obama, says Dunham, is ‘super uncool,’ too. Obama himself has jumped on this bandwagon, putting down Romney and the Republicans as the equivalent of uncool black-and-white TV reruns. ThatÂ’s also where the presidentÂ’s ‘horses and bayonets’ attack came from.” From the notion that the America of 30 years ago and 40 years ago, man, how old-fashioned, how uncool, how square, how nerdy was all that. What Obama is, that’s cool. And it’s Kurtz’s opinion that that’s what the Lena Dunham ad is.
You boil the ad down, it’s an ad put out by the regime that, I don’t know if it’s gonna work or backfire. I mean, it’s insulting to women. It again looks at women as monolithic sex machines who want to make sure they’ve got unending birth control pills and then a free trip to Planned Parenthood the next day, all paid for by Obama. If I were a woman today, I would feel insulted each and every day, the way they look at women, all thinking the same way, all wanting the same things. I think that ad — some people look at it, they’ll think it’s cool, that it’s hip and it’s representative of the current modern day pop culture. But I think it’s an insult to women everywhere.
I mean, where the hell is Gloria Steinem? Gloria, is this what you all have been fighting for all your lives, an ad like this, an appeal to women as sex machines? Is that what feminazi-ism was all about? Is that what all the equal pay stuff was all about? Is that why you wanted to storm your way into every all-male club and all-male institution and everything that you felt you were being discriminated against, was this what you were hoping would be the fruition, the result of all of your hard work? You Ivy League liberal women, are you gonna put this ad on your Facebook page? Are you gonna re-tweet this, you gonna send it out, brag about this to all your buddies, all your Ivy League liberal buddies? Is this what you are? Is this ad what speaks for you? Is this ad, “Oh, wow, man, there’s Obama, how cool is this?”
Or does it not matter, if this can beat the Republicans, who cares? Is this your guy, though? This is the kind of stuff that you’re gonna support? You talk about desperation, sunk to such a new low to get the youth vote that you compare voting for the first time to having sex for the first time, and you want to do it with a great guy? I don’t know, folks, I think it’s like so much that’s been going on, two years, but actually four years. There is an effervescing, a bubbling reaction in the group of people we all call the silent majority that just can’t wait to show up on Election Day. In fact, in some of the early voting states, the Republicans are outnumbering Democrats.