RUSH: Back we are, folks. Great to have you here, Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting Network and the distinguished and prestigious Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies. As I mentioned frequently in the previous hour, we are happy to have with us today — in fact, it’s an honor. It is always an honor to have with us the former vice president of the United States, Dick Cheney, and his daughter Liz with us. Welcome to both of you. It really is. I can’t say it enough. It’s a great honor to have you both here.
DICK CHENEY: Well, it’s good to be with you, Rush.
RUSH: They have a new book, folks, that is entitled: Exceptional: Why the World Needs a More Powerful America. Mr. Vice President, I’ve tried to imagine what it’s like to be you the past seven years, especially with your career prior to these past seven years. You have been — particularly in your eight years as vice president, you were — devoted to national security. You were devoted to defending and protecting the Constitution, the American people. You worked hard and sacrificed a lot to achieve victory over terrorist enemies and all other enemies.
And I can imagine these past seven years you have seen a lot of it, a lot of your work squandered, a lot of the success maybe even unraveled. And I wonder how difficult has that been to watch this, particularly because of decorum. You know, former presidents and vice presidents are not supposed to speak out when a new president is sworn in and begins his work and his administration. That professional courtesy is extended to all current presidents by former presidents and vice presidents. How frustrating has this been? I imagine it’s one of the things that led to the book.
DICK CHENEY: Well, it is, Rush. The fact is, I, for a few months, didn’t speak out back in ’01, but we reached the point, as I recall — it was along about April or May of that year — when Barack Obama seemed to get serious about prosecuting the career professionals in the CIA who’d carried out our counterterrorism policies that have been authorized by the president of the United States, okayed by the Justice Department and so forth.
And since that time it’s been increasingly… As you look at the track record of this administration, it’s not just that it differed from or was contrary to the policies we put in place during the Bush-Cheney administration. It’s that it was a decided break with 70 or 75 years of American history. People like — Democrats like — Harry Truman and FDR and John F. Kennedy would never recognize the policies that Obama has pursued from the standpoint of national security. They believed in a strong national defense. They took us through World War II and into the Cold War, and even though politically we might have not agreed with them from a partisan standpoint, they were very effective in using and maintaining US military force. This president doesn’t recognize or seem to be part of that tradition at all.
RUSH: By the way, Liz, both of you: Any time I address a question without a name, feel free, but you both are authors of the book. So whichever one feels more comfortable answering a question, jump in. Don’t wait for me to address either one of specifically.
LIZ CHENEY: We will. Thanks, Rush.
RUSH: All right. Now, I know a lot of your book — which I want to get to in great detail in a minute — specifically is written for Americans of a certain age who have not really been educated about America’s role in the world, leadership role in the world. And, as such, it’s all a foreign concept to them. And I know that you’re trying to reach them here with this book. Could you just give me a couple of examples of what you mean, the title: Why the World Needs a Powerful America.
Because today a lot of people are hearing from this administration, the media, from a lot of people, that we really have no business being in the world; we never did. “We have stolen everything we’ve got,” they say, “from other nations in the world, and our superpower status is really not legitimate. This country is deeply flawed, and it’s about time we had a president like Obama who came along and realized there’s nothing special about us. We have no business telling people how to live, what they should or shouldn’t do. It’s none of our business.” But that’s clearly not the way this country existed from its founding.
LIZ CHENEY: No, you’ve got it exactly right, Rush, and it’s one of the things that you have spoken about and done such great work on with your own books and that we clearly have been very concerned about. I mean, it’s just tragic that this progressive idea that somehow America’s footprint has been too large in the world and that the role that we played has been, you know, a negative or a maligned role is just really devastating. And when you think about what our children are taught…
You know, the truth, the fundamental truth that is unarguable, that the United States of America has been a greater force for good than any other nation in the history of mankind and that we’ve been responsible for the liberation of more people, protecting freedom, protecting peace around the globe in a way that no other nation ever has and no other nation can. And so you’ve got a progressive agenda, a liberal agenda out there that basically says, “America is bad;” that America is at fault, that you’ve gotta limit America, that you’ve gotta diminish the nation. You’ve gotta weaken us.
And it’s an agenda that we have seen for a long time on college campuses. We have seen it for a long time now in our schools, sadly. And President Obama represents that agenda in the White House more directly than any president before him has. And so we start this book in December of 1940 with Franklin Roosevelt’s fireside chat where he declares the Arsenal of Democracy and he explained to the American people why it was up to us to provide the weapons and materiel that the British needed in order to stand up against the Nazis.
And we really describe in great detail and tell the amazing story of what our nation has done, what we did to win World War II and what we did to prevail in the Cold War. Of course with allies, no question. But it was our leadership that made the survival of freedom possible. And you’ve gotta start from that basis as we do in the book to understand why what’s happened during the Obama years has been so devastating and then what it’s gonna take to bring us out of it, because we really believe we can — with the next president — begin to dig out. But the task is a big one, and it’s gonna take somebody who shares these ideas of American exceptionalism and shares a commitment to it.
RUSH: We’re speaking with former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz about their new book, Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. For either/or both of you: Where does the moral authority originate. FDR says, “We’re gonna do this. We’re gonna protect the Brits. We’re gonna spread freedom.” A number of presidents have said, “We’re going to spread freedom. We’re not gonna impose it. We’re gonna spread it. We’re gonna liberate all over the world.” Where does the moral authority or responsibility for that come? When did we first assume that and how was it legitimate to do so?
DICK CHENEY: Well, I think that one of the points we tried to make in the book, obviously, is from the Founders in terms of having established the republic, what went into the Revolution and into our time in terms of Constitution and so forth. You’ve written about some of that yourself, Rush. But then you bring that forward, and if you go through the twentieth century, clearly the United States began the twentieth century, you know, as a new dynamic nation, but not sort of the dominant nation in the world.
But by the time we get to World War II, there’s no question but that if anybody’s going to stop Hitler and Germany and the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, it’s the United States of America. We’re the only ones who could do it, and we did it. And when the war was over with, we brought the boys home. We didn’t seek personal gain for the United States. We defended freedom. We did it in a manner that liberated millions from a terrible oppression imposed by Nazi Germany. The result of it, I think, was that when that was over with, as well as the Cold War ended, there wasn’t anybody else but the United States. Nobody else in the world except the United States. That was it.
RUSH: That’s really it, isn’t it? There isn’t anybody else. When you get down to it, that’s really what it is, isn’t it? And if we’re not gonna defend freedom for others around the world, maybe our own could be in the balance.
LIZ CHENEY: Well, and imagine what the world would look like if sort of the terms and the rules we had to follow were set by Iran or by Putin’s Russia or by the Chinese — or by ISIS God forbid. You know, you have a situation where you can imagine as United States under Barack Obama retreats from the world, and the massive cuts that he’s made to our defense systems, that you have these other nations and powers that certainly have interests that are completely at odds with our own, that will step into the vacuum. And we don’t have to think too long to recognize the danger if the United States decides it’s gonna stop playing the role it’s played in the world. And I think that’s very much where we are today, in terms of what’s happening across the Middle East, for example.
RUSH: You mentioned Iran. Can either of you honestly, seriously explain our policy towards Iran and nuclear weapons with this so-called agreement that they won’t even call a treaty? I, for the life of me, and I’m being serious, I can’t explain this. It doesn’t make any sense given American history. Can either of you explain what in the world this is? What it’s about, what the objective is?
DICK CHENEY: One of the things that strikes me about it, is it should be a treaty. Anything this important, if you look at historical precedent, any agreement this important should be a treaty. But of course if it were a treaty, then it would require the support of two-thirds of the United States Senate to ratify it. I think he knew he didn’t have the votes for the kind of program he was putting forward here, and so they went out of their way to create a process, a political process where he doesn’t need a two-thirds vote of the Senate to go into effect, he just needs one-third to be able to fight off an attempt to override his veto. It’s a screwy legislative process that he’s put in place here. But if in fact it were treated as a treaty, which it should be treated as, there’s no way that Congress would approve this agreement.
RUSH: Thankfully.
LIZ CHENEY: The other thing that you got going on here is, you know, you go back and look at the Cairo speech, you know, we write in the book about the sentence out of the Cairo speech that few people have really paid much attention to. This is back in June of 2009. President Obama said, “No nation has the right to decide which other nations have nuclear weapons.” And he seems to, I think at least part of this is, he seems not to recognize the different between a nuclear weapon in the hands of the United States, for example, and a nuclear weapon in the hands of Iran.
So he has proceeded here both with a determination that his legacy, as you said, you know, depends upon having this agreement, coupled with completely, dangerously incompetent negotiations where we conceded up front, you know, basically gave away the store before negotiations even started, and then were willing to accept everything the Iranians insisted on even at the last minute when it didn’t have anything to do with the nuclear program. So I think we’ve got this approach that’s based on a really dangerous mix of ideology and incompetence and putting his own political agenda and his own legacy above the national security of the nation, that’s left us where we are today.
RUSH: Well, if I could just be very common about this is, what you referred to a moment ago was you’re saying that Obama does not recognize us as the good guys. If we don’t have the right or the role of determining which kind of people acquire the most deadly weapons in the world, then they must not have a concept of us as the good guys. I don’t know if we’re bad guys in the way he looks at the world, but we must not be the good guys. And isn’t that really, when you get down to it, one of the big, fundamental differences in America before Obama and America since? All of what you’ve written about in this book, America’s greatness, America’s exceptionalism, America’s role in the world was predicated on the fact that we’re the good guys, we’re here to help, we’re here to save, we’re here to liberate. And that seems to have gone out the window with this administration.
DICK CHENEY: I think you’re absolutely right. He has this ideology that doesn’t fit with reality of the world. We haven’t even touched on this yet, but part of the damage he’s done is to dramatically reduce our capacity to respond to the threats out there that are increasingly obvious. And what he’s done to the defense budget through sequestration as well as cuts that he has imposed, has dramatically, dramatically reduced our capability to deal with the pending threats.
One of the important things with respect to diplomacy is if you say all options are on the table, i.e., we’re prepared to use military force if necessary, that gives real substance and meaning to your diplomacy. He never believed that. He claimed for a while that all options were on the table, but the Iranians watched him operate and I think they figured out very quickly that this guy isn’t for real, that it’s just rhetoric for him, and he doesn’t really mean it, and therefore they didn’t have to make concessions that would have achieved an agreement. They could expect him to give away the store. And part of that I think is out of this proposition that Liz mentions that he really believes that no other nation should be in a position of telling a particular nation, in this case Iran, whether they should or shouldn’t have nuclear weapons. That’s just crazy.
RUSH: Vice President Dick Cheney is with us, his daughter Liz, as well, their new book is Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. And we’ve got more when we get back. So stay with us, folks.
RUSH: And we’re back, folks. Great to have you here as once again we are honored to share some time here with Vice President Cheney and his daughter Liz and their new book, which is really — I mean, it’s in the title, but it is exceptional, folks, Why the World Needs a Powerful America. Let me read from the prologue and have you expand on this, because this is great. And I hope you succeed beyond your wildest dreams with this.
“As citizens we have another obligation, we have a duty to protect our ideals and our freedoms by safeguarding our history. We must ensure that our children know the truth about who we are, what we’ve done, and why it is uniquely America’s duty to be freedom’s defender.” That’s what you set out to do in this book.
LIZ CHENEY: That’s exactly right, Rush. I mean, I think that’s, you know, Ronald Reagan said if we forget what we did, we won’t know who we are. We’re now in the middle of this presidential campaign and making decisions about who the next president’s gonna be and who our nominee is gonna be, you know, it’s really important for people to keep these national security issues at the forefront and having this historical context and telling the truth about what we’ve done we felt helps to explain, you know, why this isn’t a situation where, gosh, if America retreats from the world, somebody else will pick up the pieces.
What we’ve seen happen is the people that step in are those, you know, like ISIS, like Iran, like Russia, you know, who clearly will never play the role that we’ve played and who don’t share our values. And, you know, combined with the frustration of hearing what kids learn in school about America, I think we really felt very strongly that this was a moment to say, “Wait a minute, here’s the truth about the last half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the 21st. And here’s the truth about what America’s done. And here’s what it’s gonna take in order to reverse the damage that’s been done in the last seven years by this president.”
RUSH: Well, I really hope that you succeed in this, because I can’t tell you the number of — I don’t encounter people personally, but I read so much, and I come across so much where it’s obvious that certain young people and particularly on campuses across the country, are being taught that America’s guilty, that some of the decline that’s happening to us, both economically, foreign policy, is deserved because we have so violated other nations human rights. It’s just infuriating, and so that’s why your book is just so timely. I’ve only got 30 seconds in this segment here for you to react to that. But I’m really excited that you have done this, because it’s gonna take a number of voices and a lot of effort to reach people whose minds have been closed to the greatness of the country. And that’s a shame.
LIZ CHENEY: Well, it is, and I’m gonna let my dad talk here in the next segment, but I feel tremendously blessed because when we were growing up, both of our parents, both my mom and my dad, you know, they are students of history. And my mom obviously is an historian herself and we were privileged to have parents who took us to see Gettysburg and told us the importance of these great leaders.
RUSH: Exactly.
LIZ CHENEY: And not everybody does today, so we hope we can help change some of the perceptions out there that our kids are getting about this nation.
RUSH: We’ll get into some specifics here in the book as to how you’re going about this right after this. Hang tough, folks, sit tight.
RUSH: Welcome back, folks. Rare guest on the Excellence in Broadcasting Network, two of them today, former Vice President Dick Cheney and daughter Liz, coauthors of Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. Mr. Vice President, Barack Obama claims to believe in American exceptionalism. How does his definition of it differ from yours?
DICK CHENEY: Well, I think it’s the time he went to — I think he was at the United Nations, this was part of his apology tour back in ’09, and he was asked at a press conference whether or not he thought America was exceptional. And he said, “Well, yes, like the British think they’re exceptional and the Greeks think they’re exceptional,” it’s clear that that basic fundamental belief that most of our presidents, all of them, to my knowledge, have held that isn’t shared by Barack Obama. He just simply doesn’t look at the world that way.
I think we see him as wanting to significantly diminish US military power. He wants to withdraw from important parts of the world as he has with respect to the Middle East, et cetera. He simply doesn’t believe that we ought to be sort of determining or playing the kind of leadership role we have in the past. I always thought part of it was captured, Rush, back in the very early days of his administration when, you may remember, one of the first things he did when he went into the Oval Office was to take the bust of Winston Churchill, our great World War II ally, and return it to the British embassy. And I always thought that was more of a sort of a colonialist view of the world, that he looked at Churchill as the former or last prime minister of the British empire rather than he did as a great World War II ally and helped us in defeating the Nazis. It was that mind-set, I think, that sets him apart.
RUSH: Well, a lot of Americans — not all — but a lot of Americans are really scared, Mr. Vice President, they’re scared about the future economically. They are because of some examples you’ve given today, they’re frightened about the future of the sovereignty and the defense of the country. People do not understand, there’s nothing that’s gonna make them understand the advantages of allowing the world’s sponsor of terrorism to eventually produce nuclear weapons.
Now, your attempt to reach people on this has been to write this book, and I know that you focus a lot on history, like Liz said, the first three chapters cover World War II, the Cold War and the dawn of the age of terror. And the last half of the book is about the Obama administration. But you do some great things here. You write about some of the greatness of American military history, Pointe du Hoc, Doolittle’s Raiders, the battles of Midway and Iwo Jima, Battle of the Bulge, Nazis, and you even write that people need to know that there once was an evil empire so bereft of truth that it had to build a wall to keep its citizens in. That was just 30 years ago and it needs to be taught? You’re talking about the Soviet Union, correct?
RUSH: Exactly. And look at how many people today, young people today may not even be aware. To them Russia is Putin, and he’s kind of cool; he works out, he runs around with bears, totally devoid of any historical knowledge of the truth of that Regime.
DICK CHENEY: Well, and totally devoid of any moral judgment on the differences between democracy or a republic like we’re blessed to live in and the way people live in the old Soviet Union, now Russia. The effort that Putin’s making, for example, to try, I think, to reassemble parts of the old Soviet empire that collapsed in 1991 at the end of the Cold War, he stated that’s been one of the great disasters of the twentieth century. Most Americans I would hope would believe that that in fact was a great success story. But I think too many of our kids, that generation weren’t even alive in that tail end of the Cold War back in ’91, which was 25 years ago, they simply don’t know that history. They don’t know all that went on, the period of the of the Cold War, the terrible oppression, the enormously dictatorial style of government that in fact tried to expand its power and its reach to large parts of Europe and did. It was only US determination with our friends and allies that ended the Cold War and saw the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberation of millions of people in Europe.
RUSH: You know, I saw something, to show you what you’re up against, there was a story I saw last week, the new owners of The New Republic, liberal journal of opinion, a couple of these young guys, cofounders of Facebook, and they wrote a cover story longing for the return of Stalin if he only had computers. If Stalin had computers and data collection like we have today, he could have made it work. That’s the kind of thing your book is up against and is gonna be a great counter. But it’s stunning to see even that kind of thinking survive and alive today. I mean, if he had computers he’d be able to track people and put ’em in jail sooner.
RUSH: Ship ’em off to the gulags even sooner.
LIZ CHENEY: And, you know, the other piece of all of this is the lessons that history teaches us, if we are learning the truth about the history and, you know, right now today, for example, you know, you’re talking about the agreement with Iran, the really dangerous piece of business that the Obama administration is trying to get Congress to accept. You know, if people would look back at how Ronald Reagan handled the Soviets at Reykjavik and look back at what real negotiation looks like and look back at, you know, when the Soviets basically had put a tremendously interesting and important set of proposals on the table, and Reagan could have agreed to them, but then the Soviets said, “Except you’ve also gotta give up Star Wars missile defense,” you know, the SDI initiative.
And Reagan knew that was a red line for him, and he was willing to walk away, and he was willing to see the Soviets walk away. He wasn’t so desperate to get a deal at any price that he risked the security of a nation. And, you know, that’s what we are seeing today with this president. And it’s why in the second half of the book as you pointed out, Rush, we go sort of really chapter and verse of the reality of Barack Obama’s national security policy, which, by the way, is also Secretary Clinton’s national security policy, and what the next president’s gonna have to do to fix it.
RUSH: I was gonna ask you about that before we get outta here, and since you have swerved into it, here it is. I don’t intend this to be political. I’m asking this question within and underneath the umbrella that is your book. If we go back to between 2000 and 2008, Mr. Vice President, you’re vice president and you’re doing exactly what you’re doing, trying to defend this country against our enemies and you find out that your secretary of state is conducting business from a home e-mail account and a home server located in the closet of a bathroom in Denver, Colorado, what are you going to do? What would be done?
DICK CHENEY: Well, I would have, as vice president, I wouldn’t have had any qualms about raising questions about it, obviously. One of the things that always struck me, Rush, we were so concerned in our administration about the possibility of leaks and about the possibility of our adversaries intercepting communications, that before we went into a meeting with the National Security Council in The Situation Room in the basement of the West Wing there was a basket there right outside the door and everybody had to strip all of their electronics, telephones, pagers, whatever they had, all went into that basket before they could go into the room where we were gonna discuss sensitive classified matters.
And with that kind of mind-set, I don’t see how anybody who had been through that process, and I’ve gotta assume they still have that same practice in the Obama administration, that the secretary could go through that, Secretary Clinton could, and think somehow it was safe and secure to have her electronics all sort of based in her home or in her garage up there in New York and that it would be safe and secure from adversaries and enemies. I just find it unprofessional, amazing that she would think she could operate that kind of system and maintain security.
RUSH: Vice President Cheney with us and his daughter Liz. We’ve got just a couple more things after the break. Back to the book with one of your focal points here that I want to make sure we touch on before we conclude.
RUSH: Back for our final moments here with the former vice president of the United States, Richard Cheney, and his daughter Liz, coauthors of Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. I’m so admiring of your purpose, your objective here. You want particularly our children, but you want everybody to know that they are citizens of the most powerful, the most decent, honorable nation in the history of mankind.
And you’re not afraid to say so, and you explain why in historical terms. I think it’s a… You know, the word “important” is thrown around a lot about various kinds of work, Broadway plays or movies or books. But it really is applicable to your book here. And I know that you both wrote it and you both have this process here, but have you got book signings planned? How are you planning on, besides this program — which is really all you need —
CHENEYS: (chuckling)
RUSH: (laughs) — getting this book into as many hands as you can? ‘Cause it’s important. It really is.
LIZ CHENEY: Well, first of all, thank you very much, Rush, for saying that, and obviously we’re huge fans and admirers of everything that you do. And we are gonna be spending the next four-to-six weeks, really, out on the road. We’ll be all over the country at events, different presidential libraries, and speaking in a whole bunch of different places. And you’ll be able to see where we are. We’ve got a website which is and you’ll be able to track where we’re gonna be. And then obviously doing as much as we can to talk to people about these issues and about national security and the importance of national security, particularly in this upcoming election as well.
RUSH: Speaking of the upcoming election —
RUSH: Oh, go ahead, Mr. Vice President.
DICK CHENEY: Rush I was just gonna say, we want to thank you as well for making it possible today for having this conversation. The book comes out tomorrow, and again I can’t think of a better place to begin this process of promoting Exceptional than on your show. It’s a privilege to be a part of your process.
RUSH: Well, thank you, but it really is a fine, fine work. It’s a great, great documentation of things that anybody will benefit from knowing, particularly if they’ve been a product of poor education for most of their lives. Mr. Vice President, Liz just talked about the Republican primary, upcoming presidential election, and this is a different kind of primary. There’s very many surprises here with Trump and so forth, and a lot of expectations have been turned upside down. When this is all over, are you all in with whoever wins this nomination fight?
DICK CHENEY: Well, I expect to support the Republican nominee. That’s what I’ve traditionally done as a Republican, and I was the beneficiary of that process twice myself, obviously. The main concern we have with the book is to make certain that these issues — national security issues, the fate of republic, the need for us to rebuild our defenses and to take on the adversaries that are clearly out there is to make certain these issues — are front and center in this campaign. We’d like to see it in the platform. We’d like to see that the debate focuses very much on what we think is the single most important set of issues that we’re faced with in this election year of 2016 coming up, and that’s our purpose. I’m not running for office. Liz isn’t running for office. We don’t have any axe to grind but to make certain that the American people are focused on these problems.
RUSH: You just said something that reminded me of one more question that just popped into my mind. I promise it’s the last one. I know you have to scoot. It used to be said that politics ended at the water’s edge. When we started talking about foreign policy, war, entanglement, everybody came together. When did that end? What do you think caused the end of what is called bipartisan foreign policy?
DICK CHENEY: Well, I think recently, the most recent examples I can think of are Barack Obama’s apology tour. One of the things we learned, for example, in this research that we did on the book, Rush, was I think it was ’09 during the apology tour here he made a request — which was denied — of the Japanese that he be permitted to go to Hiroshima and publicly apologize for our use of the atom bomb in World War II. I found that just absolutely appalling. The Japanese rejected it. They didn’t want him there to do that. But he was doing everything he could, once again, to sort of apologize for the basic activities of the United States to protect our own freedom and that of millions of others. I sort of see that if we hadn’t reached that turning point that you mentioned, that certainly was one of them.
RUSH: Well, I also think it happened when you were serving as vice president over the Iraq war. I think the Democrats politicized the outcome of that war and were doing anything they could to secure — I’ll say it — defeat, so they could hang it around President Bush’s shoulders as a campaign advantage in 2008. People are still angry that they attempted to criminalize some of the work that was being done at Guantanamo to extract information from the prisoners there about 9/11 and so forth.
RUSH: So it’s a rough time that your book enters the public fray, and really all the best wishes for great success with it in terms of opening minds and enlightening people as to the truth of the greatness of this country.
LIZ CHENEY: Well, thank you very much, Rush. We really, really appreciate it —
RUSH: You bet.
LIZ CHENEY: — and look forward to being with you again soon.
RUSH: See you soon.
DICK CHENEY: Keep in touch.
RUSH: That’s Vice President Cheney and his daughter Liz. And again the title of the book, out tomorrow — which means pre-orders are available now — is Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America.
RUSH: Okay. We have to wrap up here with this hour. The one thing he said that I had not heard, Snerdley… Have you heard that Obama wants to apologize to the Japanese for Hiroshima? How in the…? I know everything, and I missed that. When did he say that? Is that ancient or is that recent? (interruption) Two years ago? Oh, that’s right. Now I remember. The Japanese put the kibosh on it. That’s right. I had totally forgotten that. I had totally forgotten that. When he was talking about that, I… (interruption)
Yeah, now that you mention it, it was Japanese… (interruption) The Japanese didn’t want any part of that. That would open up, oh, you know, the relationship and sour it all over again and that would awaken the radical Japanese. They’d start rebuilding Japanese Zeros at the Mitsubishi plant if we did that. (interruption) Oh, yeah, the Japanese Zero, the plane that attacked Pearl Harbor. The Mitsubishi A6M, I think, is what the official designation was. We called it the Zero.
Yeah, it was made by Mitsubishi, before they started making television sets and stereos and stuff that steals your identity on the phone. The A6M. The A6M was the Japanese Zero. They did not have radios. They did not have radio communication, the Japanese, who were famous for transistor radios. Their invention. The A6M, the Japanese Zero, did not have radios in them. Anyhoo, that’s that.