Drive-By Media Is the Real “Fake News”

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 18,2016

RUSH: I meant to talk about all this fascination with all the fake news out there, the fake news on Facebook and the left now trying to blame their defeat on the fact there was so much fake news out there. You guys have it all wrong.  I don’t know what was going on. I started calling Facebook “Fakebook” many moons ago. 

The fake news is the New York Times. 

The fake news is NBC. 

The fake news is CBS. 

The fake news is CNN. 

The fake news is the Washington Post. 

The fake news is the LA Times. 

The fake news is USA Today. 

That’s the fake news.  The fake news is the Drive-By Media.  And now everybody’s whining and moaning about parody news sites that make fun of liberalism.  This is all it is.  It’s people making fun of the left.  It’s people parodying and satirizing leftist news and leftist culture, and they can’t laugh at it.  They don’t see the humor in it, and now they’re blaming the loss on so many people being bamboozled and fooled by fake news — when the real fake news is them.  


RUSH:  I got a quick note here from my old buddy Seton Motley, not to be confused with Marion Motley or Bob Motley or Muttley, the wonder dog.  He said, “You want to hear fake news?  Fake news is every story you read reporting Obama said you keep your doctor if you like your doctor. You get to keep your plan if you like your insurance plan. Your premiums are coming down $2,500 average, every year, under Obamacare.”  That was fake news, and that’s exactly right.

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